25: Miracle🥀

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I quickly squatted down and checked Lukas's pulse. It was a little weak. Robert also kneeled beside me and held Lukas to pick him up.

"Let's take him inside." He got up with Lukas and quickly started to walk towards the house. I picked up Lukas's backpack and walked with big steps behind him to catch them up.

"CARLO!" Robert shouted someone's name. The man named Carlo suddenly appeared from nowhere and started to walk beside us with big steps.

"Si signore?" Carlo's voice was low yet very strong.

"Chiama il dottor Alonzo." Robert asked him to do something in a commanding tone.

"Si signore." Carlo nodded his head and left.

Robert was walking towards my room with his long legs. I had difficulty keeping up with him. We saw Alex on the way.

"What is wrong?" He looked at us with a concerned look on his face. "Who is that?" His concern turned into confusion when he saw Lukas on Robert's arm.

"Follow me." Robert didn't stop at Alex's inquiry.

"He is my brother." I answered him while almost running behind Robert. Alex quickly started to follow us.

"Does he need a doctor?" He asked me.

"I already asked to call Angalo."

Soon after we reached my room and Robert carefully put Lukas down on my bed.

"Get a wet towel from the bathroom." Alex instructed me. I quickly ran towards the bathroom, wet a towel and ran back as soon as possible.

"Wiped his face and neck." Alex pointed at Lukas while looking at me. "He might have fainted because of the heat."

I sat beside Lukas and started wiping down his face, forehead and neck. A few minutes later the doctor came.

"Ha qualche storia medica?" After a little check-up the doctor asked Alex. Alex looked at me.

"She is his sister. You can ask her." He pointed at the doctor. "He is asking about your brother's medical history." I looked at the doctor.

"He has an early stage of leukemia." I could feel the trembling in my voice.

"Tsk," Doctor looked at Lukas with sympathy in his eyes. "Such a young boy." He looked back at me. "What about his medication?"

"He is on some tablets and he does the transfusion every year."

"And he is taking his treatments seriously?"

"Yeah. As far...as I know." I hesitated a little. Actually after I moved I didn't ask mom about his treatments. Such a negligent sister I was.

"Is there any way to know if he skipped any of his treatments?"

"I can call my mother. She can help us with that." I took out my phone.

"No, don't!" We all snapped our heads towards Lukas when he suddenly woke up.

'When did he get his consciousness back?'

I hastily went towards him.

"How are you feeling now?" I stared so hard at him as if I tried to bore a hole in his head.

"Did you call mom?" Lukas completely ignored my question. "Please, tell me you didn't!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I was super confused by his crazy inquiry. Lukas stared at me for a few seconds then whispered hoarsely.

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now