1. Yuanfen🥀

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(Don't forget to hear the song👆)


"Don't you even dare to think that you could escape from me, with a pair of wings, like this butterfly." He stared at that innocent butterfly solemnly, who just sat on his reached out open-palm, fluttering it's blue vibrant coloured big stunning wings. "Because," his cold words emerged in my aflame heart by cutting it open slice by slice, "I will just tear those wings apart from your body." He suddenly closed his slender fingers and clenched it hard enough to break those beautiful wings harshly in one go. "Just like this butterfly."

His icy blue eyes pierced into mine straight..

A shiver ran through my spine and forced my feet to tremble uncrotabally. He opened his fist and let those crushed wings fall apart on the ground along with that slaughtered butterfly. I slowly slumped on the ground and stared at that unfortunate, helpless butterfly stark, who got cursed....

.....just like me.

My eyes flew open as I woke up from my terrible nightmare gasping my ragged breath. I was sweating and could barely breathe through the thick air. I felt so hot and suffocating. My panting was rushed, and I felt my throat was dry as desert. I tried hard to regulate my irregular breathing and wiped my sweat-soaked hair away from my forehead.

That ghastly dream again!

I started to suffer those dreadful nightmares Just after I had turned fifteen. I didn't know where they came from. Almost every night I had to suffer in my sleep because of those horrid nightmares. Sometimes I wished to never sleep.

Those delirious dreams were almost the same every day. A lady, who always shed tears because of that cruel person, but couldn't run from him no matter how hard she tried. I felt terribly miserable for her.

The odd thing was I never recalled their faces any more after I had woken up every time. In my dreams they were so certain as if it all happened in front of me.

I sighed tiredly and rubbed my face a little. I glanced at my alarm clock with a drowsy look, to see that It was almost my alarm time, six a.m. I groaned tiredly and rolled out from my little cramped bed. I strode to my small attached bathroom of my tiny box studio apartment with a grim expression. With my small salary and after the medicine bills I could only afford that.

But it wasn't too bad, actually. For a single person it was perfectly sufficient. And I already enrolled my name in the local job centre. I finally completed my paramedic training last month. I was hoping for a more suitable job in our local surroundings. I attended a thirty-minutes group interview on the first day of my job hunting race with almost twenty people.

The line of my work was not too crowded, and I got a few good offers, with nice salaries, but all in London. I couldn't leave mom and Lucas behind. They needed me.

I stared at my dull reflection on the mirror as I brushed my teeth with a quick speed. I needed to get ready for my part time job, which was a waitress job at a local restaurant, Red Lion. It barely required eleven minutes from my apartment on my bicycle.


I got out of the bathroom, continued brushing my teeth. I picked up my phone and took a look at my phone screen. It was mom.

"Ai, wom," I answered her, between brushing my teeth.

"Esmé!" My mom replied back with a cherry tone. "Please, bring a pickled egg when you come for dinner." I went back to the bathroom and spat a mouthful of toothpaste.

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now