11. Welcome To my Cage🥀

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I stared into his havelock-blue eyes for a few seconds as I felt enchanted under them. Then my brain regained consciousness and my eyes widened as my body instantly moved it itself and went back until my back hit the wall.

I was looking at him in horror as I was having trouble breathing.

What was he doing there? What was I doing with him at that moment? I prayed so hard to not to see him ever again. I prayed so hard to get away from those nightmares. From him.

Did all my prayers go into vain?!

I felt a big lump in my throat.

Alessandro chuckled as hung his head a little low. He slowly picked that long chain which was attached to my ankle. He got up with that chain in his hand and looked at me.

"Don't worry, I don't hurt women." He slowly stepped towards me and I tried to move further back even though there wasn't more room. He paused at his feet and looked at me with a thoughtful face. He dropped down the chain and ran his fingers through his hair.

He let go of a deep sigh and looked at me again.

"I will let you go after Vincenzo returns everything, which he stole from me."

My brows arched in confusion.

Who was Vincenzo?!

"Don't worry, nobody will touch a single strand of your hair. You have my word." He put his hands in his pocket and left the room.

I was sitting there dumbfounded and bewildered.

What the heck just happened?!

And who the hell was that Vincenzo?!

What the hell did he have to do with me?


I spent my entire day in that room like a prisoner, with a chain on my ankle. Greta, that beautiful lady who was earlier with me brought my food in that room. I was so hungry and exhausted that I didn't even think twice and devoured the foods clean. Greta was very nice and always had a warm smile on her face. She somehow reminded me of my mom. My chest tightened whenever I thought about them.

I had lost count of how many days I was away from them. They must've been worried. Nobody knew I was with Chloe and what she did with me.

That ugly bitch!!

Next time when I was going to see her I would gouge her eyes out or pull all her hairs out. Just wait.

When it was finally night time, my head cleared a little. I thought for a few hours then made up my mind.

I need to talk to them. They must have misunderstood something and took me in. I should clear up everything, then maybe they would let me go.

"Umm, Greta." Greta was knitting some yarn while sitting in front of the window. As she was always there, I guessed she was incharge of me. So, I couldn't escape. I guessed.

Greta put down her knitting needles and came to me.

"Sì caro?"

"Can you call someone?" I chose to use simple words. She is not very good with other languages.

"Is there something wrong?" She looked worried.

"I need to talk. Is there anyone whom I should talk to?"

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now