19. You and me🥀

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"Mom, I got a job." I cautiously looked at my mom as I dropped the news. Mom was dipping her chips in the mayonnaise. She paused and looked up at me. She looked a little confused. Lucas was staying over at his friend's.

"Yeah, I know you got a job at Aldi."

"Not that one." I stole some glances at her as I played with my mashed potatoes. "I got another job offer."

"At the hospital?"

"No. Something like a personal caretaker."

"Yeah, it's a nice job." She continued eating. "Are you going to commute from here or are you planning to find a place near your job place?"

"I will stay at their place. In their house."

"Yeah?" Her eyebrows crooked a little. "So, where is it? Too far?"

"A little far."

"Where exactly?"


My mom's fork dropped with a clatter sound on the plate.

"Where? Where did you said?" She asked me again as she quite did not get what I just said to her.

"Italy. You know, just next to France and Switzerland..."

"I know damn very well where Italy is located." Mom slapped the table hard. "I also went to school. What I am asking is why Italy, out of all places?"

"Mom! I just have a mere paramedic degree. Do you really think I have the privilege to choose a job in my favourite place? I just have to accept whatever I am offered."

"But you already have a nice job at Aldi. Near your house. You don't have to take that job offer. If you keep working hard I am sure you can get to the manager's post."

"Mom, I didn't work my ass off to get a job at Aldi. And Aldi pays me only two thousands per month. And if I accept this job they will pay me ten thousands per month."

"Ten thousand!" My mom started to laugh hysterically. "See, that's way more suspicious. Nobody pays ten thousand for a caretaker. You are not going anywhere with that job."

"Mom, I know those people. There's nothing suspicious about it."

"You know them." Mom looked shocked. "Don't tell me, these people are the ones who actually took you..."

"No! They are the ones who helped me to escape."

"But you never said anything about getting help to escape." Mom looked confused. My eyes widened when I realised that I said something that shouldn't. "Esme, what did you hide from me?"

"Mom, it's nothing important."

"I don't care, just tell me."

I sat down on my chair slowly as I finally gave up. I slowly started to tell her about the part where Alex took me hostage from Vincenzo. Of course I hid some small details to make Alex a little less villain in my story. I focused mainly on Bella as I told her my stay in Italy.

"Bella really likes me and I also think this...."

"Oh my god, those people are some gangsters!" Mom gasped in horror. "And you think I actually let you work for them?! No, no, no! Just forget it!"

"Mom." I took a very deep breath. "I am going to take this job offer. Yeah, these people do some illegal shits, but I don't care. Because I lived with these people and I believe they are not as bad as you think. And the danger you are talking about, mom people can die anywhere, anytime. Life and death are not something we decide."

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now