12. Mine🥀

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(Don't forget to hear the song)

"So are you really going to chain me up until you get a hold of that Vincenzo?" I asked Greta when she was serving me dinner.

"I am so sorry dear," Greta said apologetically. "I really hope I can help with that. Sometimes Alex can be such a pain in the ass." She muttered angrily under her breath. My blood rushed a little to my brain after hearing that name. It was clear that she had a talk with Alex about my being chained.

"I can understand if you guys want to lock me up in this room, but please at least remove these chains so I can use the bathroom in ease."

"Umm...," Greta thought a little and clapped her hand. "Fine, I will talk to Alex and make him remove them, no matter what. Don't you worry, okay?"

"Thanks Greta."

"You are most welcome."


"I am only removing them because zia practically begged me to," Alex was looking at me straight while standing in front of me with both of his hands in his pockets. One of his subordinates was unlocking my ankle cuff. I sat there quietly with clenched fists and a stiff body. His touches were igniting some memories which always haunt me in my dreams as the form of nightmares.

How the hell did I end up in there with him again? If I remember correctly I actually ran away from my hometown so I couldn't have any more encounters with him, if he tried to find me there.

But it seemed that my fate actually had something other planned already.

So there I was sitting in front of him.

"Now miss, don't try to act smart and don't even think about escaping from here." I remained silent. He leaned towards me. "Did you hear me?" I quickly leaned back and nodded my head.


I looked at the ladden dishes in front of me. There were every possible dish which could be included in the English breakfast set. I looked up at Greta.

"Alex asked the chef to make food you usually eat." She smiled at me affectionately.

"I am not a picky eater." I waved my hand. "I can eat everything as long as it's edible." I reached out and started to pick some grilled tomatoes on my plate.

"If you'd like, I will tell the servant to arrange your plates with everyone downstairs."

I stopped chewing my tomatoes.

Downstairs. With everyone. With that person. With Alessandro.


"It's fine." I quickly said. "I am sure they wouldn't like to eat with the hostage."

"I am so sorry dear, that you have to endure everything." Greta looked sad. "But don't worry I will make sure you will be comfortable, as long as you live here."

"Thank you so much." My eyes got teared up in gratitude. "I will never forget your kindness."

"It's nothing. Just tell me if you need anything."

"Actually, I was thinking of getting out," I quickly added, "...from this room." I put down my spoon and started to fiddle with my fingers. "I don't have my phone and also there is nothing much to do. So....I was thinking about...going out for a bit and maybe...take a small stroll into the yard." I paused and looked up. "There are yards, right?"

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now