20. Craving🥀

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My eyes shot wide open by his sudden attack. I started to wriggle under him as I was trying to push him off using all of my force, but he didn't bulge an inch. I bit his lip violently as he moved his mouth on mine. I bit until I got a metallic taste on my tongue and he finally drew back. I didn't waste the chance and shoved him hard on the side with my free arm. He released my wrist and slumped on the couch next to me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed at him while wiping my mouth with the back of my palm as I tried to normal my laboured breathing, my heart was beating like crazy at its full speed. "Are you out of your mind or what?" Alex raised his brows at me.

"Are you sure, it's me who was out of mind here?" Alex reached up a thumb and wiped the blood that oozed from the corner of his lower lip. "You just get a glimpse of what you deserved for sneaking up on a sleeping person." He licked the wounded part of his lip.

"That...that, I was just moving in my sleep!" I could feel heat instantly travel from my cheeks to my ear and turn them red.

"The way your hand was moving all over me, it certainly didn't feel like nothing." He countered with a sly expression plastered on his face.

"Shut up!" I was already red as some tomato. "Why were you sleeping here in the first place? Just go to your room."

Alex looked around then looked at me with an amused expression. "This is my room."

I cursed my breath when I realised my stupidity.

"And please don't pretend like you don't remember how you didn't let me go and made me sleep here with you," He said as he stared into my eyes calmly. His words kind of went above my head. I was looking at his blue orbs, which were burning under the moonlight like a wild predator. But instead of getting frightened of them I was mesmerised. I didn't realise when my hand went out of my control and reached out to him. I guessed I was still drunk. And the next thing I knew I was caressing his face, just the part beside his eyes.

Alex was dumbfounded at first then he tilted his head a little to the side to feel my hand more and then he looked back at me. A shiver ran through my blood when I literally saw something snapped in his eyes. I silently mumbled.

'Oops, now I did it.'

Then he dove on me for more.

His mouth was covering mine once more and his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, his lips moving frantically against my own. One hand cupping my neck, the other gripping my waist, holding me down against the mattress. His body was rubbing against mine as he kissed me without restrain. His kiss was so messy and hot, that it threatened to blow my mind away.

It was the first time I was receiving a forceful and powerful kiss. It was... rather breath-taking.

I instinctively gripped his biceps with the intention of pushing him back, I was mentally prepared to do it, I wanted to do it but I couldn't take it. The heat of him was seeping into my skin, my bones and deep into my marrow and it was unbearable. The more he kissed me, the more I felt the adrenaline firing up my blood like a poison.

His scent and his touch, everything about him was sucking me in, drying me of my sanity and replacing it for a temporary state of madness. A state where there was only me, him and an insatiable thirst for pleasure, for him. A thirst that burnt deep at the core of my being, destroying my ability to think. And when his mouth moved to my neck, I was too far gone to even care.

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now