16. Arrivederci🥀

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"You are going to visit again, right?" Bella asked me with tearful eyes while holding my hand tightly. I smiled at her sadly

"Yes, of course." I didn't want to lie to her, but didn't have any choice. She pouted her lips.

"I am going to miss you so much." She suddenly hugged me tightly. "Do you really have to go?" My hand paused on her back. I slowly looked up and stared at a big glass window on the second floor of the house.

It was Alex's study room and Alex was standing there, both hands in his trousers pocket, looking down

Looking at me.

The moment our eyes met he moved behind those heavy mauve curtains. I bit my bottom lip to suppress my emotions.

"Yes, I have to go."


Robert stopped the car in a crowded market place and looked around cautiously.

"Allright, you have to walk from here." He looked at me apologetically. "If I go further than this I will be under surveillance cameras."

"It's okay." I smiled. "Where do I have to go?"

"Just go to that shop, and ask them for the address of the nearest police station." He pointed at a baguette sandwich shop. "Don't worry, the police station is only a few minutes away from that shop."

"Okay." I nodded my head and looked at him. "So....this is our farewell I guess?" I gave him a melancholy smile.

He sighed and held my right hand.

"I am really sorry for everything." He smiled at me. "I hope you can forget those bad memories." He lightly narrowed his eyes on me. "Only bad memories. Please don't forget anything that made you feel good. You understand right, what am I saying?"

Yes, I got what he was saying. And to be honest I didn't think I would ever be able to forget anything about what happened in those few days. I smiled at him.

"I will try my best."

I got out of the car and looked back at Robert's direction for the last time. I released a deep sigh and started to walk to that shop.

"Buongiorno signorina. Cosa ti piace per oggi?" The shop owner was a strong built, tall and sexy person in his mid forties. He was a perfect example of that quote, 'Age is just a number'.

Damn, those Italian men are not joking. They seriously walk out from those fiction stories. Ahem. I cleared my throat along with those dirty thoughts in my mind.

"Sorry, I can only speak english." I smiled apologetically.

"Oh," He said with an amused expression. "It's fine. I can speak English too." His rich Italian accent made the English language more than I know. "So, what would you like to have?"

"Direction of the nearest police station."


The door burst open as my mom entered the police station. She started to search the room as soon as she entered. Lukas was just behind her.

She paused when her eyes landed on me.

"Hey mom." I waved at her as I greeted her with a casual tone. She rushed towards me and engulfed me in her arms. Lukas hugged too and engulfed the remaining parts of mine.

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now