7. Screwed Up🥀

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Jake's eyes wandered around the room and when they landed on Chloe he smiled at her amiably.

"Hey Chloe," he waved his hand and started to walk towards us. I didn't notice first that he had one male friend with him. That person had that cheesy playful smile on his face.

"Thanks for inviting." Jake gave a light hug and kiss to Chloe and looked at Aarya. "What's up, guys?" He waved at us as he swept his eyes at Aarya and Eva.

"Hey." Aarya lifted up his beer bottle to him.

"Hi, Jake." Eva waved her hand like a car-dancing doll. Jake's eyes landed on me and they widened with utter surprise.

"Hey Jake." I smiled coyly.

"Esmé!" He looked back and forth between us and my friends. "You guys know each other?"

Everyone turned their face at me.

"Right," Aarya spoke up. "You both work at the same hospital."

"Yes!" Eva slammed her fist on her palm. "And you both work in the same department."

"Not only the same department." Jake took a seat beside Eva and she immediately clung to him with a rare sweet smile on her face. I narrowed my eyes. She was acting a little different. "We work together as a team." He picked up a bottle and pointed at me. "She is my mate."

"Yup, that's me," I said with a smug smile. Jake's friend took a seat beside me.

"Oh right," Jake straightened up when he remembered something. "This is Jim, my friend."He pointed at the person beside me. I turned to him.

"Hi guys." That person waved his hand to us and winked at me.

I raised my brow at him.

I took a good look at him. His height and build was good, but his face....hmmm...

I turned my head and gulped down some of my beer. Nope, he was not my cup of tea.

"But I am so surprised that you guys are a couple." I pointed Jake and Chloe with my chin. "How long are you guys dating?"

Suddenly there was an awkward silence between air. I looked at everyone confusedly. Chloe stiffened on her spot uncomfortably.

What was wrong?!

"What made you think that we are a couple?" Jake asked coolly as he leaned on the couch. I paused and stared at him.

"Umm...I don't know, maybe you two look very close....umm...like some couple..." I was wrecking my head to find some preferable words, because Chloe was looking at me with an ugly expression. I looked at Aarya and Eva. They were looking in other directions awkwardly.

"No, we are not a couple." Jake chuckled a little.

"Oh, I...am...sorry." I didn't know what else to say.

"Nah, it's fine." Jake waved his hand. "It's not the first time we are getting this kind of comments. Right Chloe?"

"Yeah." Chloe smiled tightly and picked up her lime martini. I felt like I stepped on landmine.

I wanted to escape from there.

"Right, Jim." I quickly turned my attention to Jim. "What do you do?"

"I own a car wash shop." Jim answered as he spread his arm over my headrest. Wow, he was making himself too comfortable and I didn't like that much! But I needed to continue the conversation.

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