21. I See Red🥀

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I blinked my eyes open then shut them close again when the warm sunlight directly hit my eyes. I slowly rubbed my eyes and turned my head towards that enormous ceiling to floor glass window. The vast blue sky looked way more stunning than I ever saw in my life. I slowly stretched my hands above my head and turned my head beside me.

It was empty.

Did Alex leave already?

Then suddenly the fragments of the last started to crown in my mind.

Those lip crushed kisses.

Me slowly losing myself under his touch.

Alex's glowing blue eyes, burning with raw desire for me.

I closed my eyes and covered them with my hand.

He would again deny everything even though we made out so intensely. Twice.

Maybe I was the one who was expecting too much from an idiot thug, who didn't have a slightest emotion about everything.

I removed my hand from my eyes and stared at the aesthetic illusions on the ceiling.

'Maybe what happened between us just a one time thing for him'

I sat up angrily and puffed my cheeks.

"Fine! If you want to act like that, be my guest." I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to comb them into a top bun. "Who do you think you are, huh!" I lifted up the sheet and climbed down from the couch to pick up my jeans from the floor. "Okay, I didn't do one night stands, but I could also go around and sleep whomever I want to." I bent a little and lifted up my butt a little, while trying to put my one leg into the jeans and tried to keep my balance. "I am going to rub your attitude on your..."

"I thought nowadays only children like to wear underwear with polka dots."

I instantly froze on my spot when I heard Robert's voice from behind me. One leg half inserted in my pants while the other one is struggling to keep balance. My butt was lifted up in the air. I slowly turned my head to find a very annoying Robert with a smug smirk on his face.

"Good morning." He slowly walked towards me. "How's your first night?" He asked me with an amused expression on his face. I glared at him as I could clearly understand what he meant by first night.

"Shut it!" I again concentrated on putting on my pants.

"Looks like it went down smoothly." He pointed at my jeans with his chin.

"O, gu mòr an othail!" I scowled at him angrily.

"What language is that?" Robert raised his brows at me. "I didn't know my English was that bad." He rubbed his chin while staring hard at the floor with squinted eyes.

"It seems like you still have a long way to go." I was actually talking in Scottish Gaelic, but decided to tease him when I got the opportunity. "You can bring your notebook to me every evening and I can teach you." I smirked at him. "Don't worry, it will be charge free."

"Oh, how generous of you." Robert raised one eyebrow at me. "I am overwhelmed by your kindness." I choked on my breath.

"Why are you talking like you are in some english drama?"

"Am I?" Robert smiled sheepishly. "I actually recently watched a drama about London, Bridgerton." My eyes went up on my forehead..

Good grief!

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now