13. Covet🥀

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(Feel the chapter with this song🎶)


We both were startled and turned our heads in the same directions at the same time when someone clears their throat.

Robert was standing at the entrance of the green house, the same spot where Allessandro was standing a few moments ago.

"Sorry for interrupting." He looked at Alex. "But can we talk for a moment?"

Alex turned his face towards me and sighed deeply as he slowly leaned off from me.

"Sure, let's go." He started to walk out. Robert cocked his head and looked at me.

"You, too."

I pointed at myself.



"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders and followed Alex.

"Esméralda Shelton, 19 years old. Have a family in Scotland, England. Small family with only my mother and brother." Robert swiped his finger on the tablet screen he was holding. "After completing high school you took some courses in the paramedical field. Currently working at a government hospital in London. Few..."

"If you don't mind, can I ask, why am I listening about myself from you?" I cut him off a little impatiently.

"Please, let me finish." Robert narrowed his eyes on me. "Few days ago you disappeared from a frat-party." Robert turned his attention again to his tab. "Your family made a missing report to police, but they still couldn't make a hold on you." Robert closed the tab and looked at me. "Something happened in that party and before you disappeared and then somehow you landed inside Vincenzo's bedroom."

"Now you know that, I don't have anything to do with Vincenzo or whatever his name is." I straightened up on my seat. "Can you guys let me go now?"

"No." Robert placed the tab on the coffee table and interlocked his fingers. "If Vincenzo let you enter his bedroom that means you are special to him, in some way we don't know yet."

Arrgghhh!! Why were these people so obsessed with Vincenzo fella's bedroom? If you guys liked that room so much, then go and live there!

"Listen," I suppressed my anger and tried to act calm, "My family depends on me. Especially my brother. He is sick. Without medicine he can't keep up."

"Is he really sick?" Alex spoke up. That entire time he was sitting in those big leather chairs, at the corner of the room in silence. I looked at him. That encounter between us a few moments ago was still fresh and vivid in my mind. I shook my head to clear up those thoughts.

"He is a leukaemia patient." I cleared my throat. "He has to take medicine and blood transfusions in regular routine." I stared at my feet. I could feel Alex was looking at me. Then he turned to Robert.

"Make arrangements for her brother to receive every kind of treatment he requires."

"Che cosa?!"


Me and Robert both spoke up at the same time then looked at each other.

"I don't think you need to do that," Robert said with a little amusement in his voice.

"He is right," I spoke in. "You really don't have to do anything. Just let me go please."

Alex leaned a little and looked in my eyes. "We can't let you go. And until you are here we will take care of you and your responsibilities. Don't worry." His soft blue orbs absorbed me. Then he turned to Robert.

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now