9. Bellisssima🥀

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Chloe was talking with four other people. One of them had a large build and a dragon tattoo on his face. Two people were standing behind that person obediently while enjoying their smoke and I thought I knew the one beside Chloe. It was...Jim.

What was he doing there?!

"You can have our words." Jim assured that man with a sinister smile on his face. That man rubbed his rough chin as he thought for a moment.

"Fine." He sighed one of his men behind him with his fingers and that fellow companion lifted up a black attaché case which he was holding from the beginning.

"Thirty grand. Like we talked before." He said as he opened the lid of that suitcase. Jim's face lit up after checking the box. He turned to Chloe and nodded his head. Chloe nodded in response.

"Then she is all yours." Jim closed the lid and accepted the case. I was finally able to find some strength and called out for chloe.


Chloe quickly turned to me. I could see blood left her face instantly as her hands which were crossed over chest slowly loosened and fell on her both sides.

"What's going on?" I smacked my dry lips and struggled a little to get up, but couldn't. "Where are we?"

"You are, just where you...." Jim started talking while taking a few steps forward. Chloe held up her hand and stopped him.

"Let me." She was staring directly into my eyes. Jim scratched his rough hair.


Chloe slowly walked towards me and kneeled in front of me.

"You shouldn't do that to me." She looked so cold and....scary. "I am very angry and upset with you."

"I don't understand what you are talking about." I was confused and....a little scared. "What did I do?"

"Do you know how much I love Jake? DO you know how much it hurts to remain only friends with benefits with the person you love." Few drops of tears rolled down on her cheeks. She swiftly wiped them off. "But I was happy as long as there was only me. But then....you came. And ruined everything." Her eyes turned bloodshot. "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" She yelled on my face.

My body moved backward and bumped into the wall behind me out of shock. She looked so different.

Chloe took some deep breaths to calm herself down. Then she looked up and gazed at me with her icy cold eyes.

"You ruined my happiness so I....ruined you." She said those words to me with a dead expression on her face. "Now we are even."

"Chloe...please..." my lips trembled uncontrollably as I tried to crawl at her. "There's nothing..."

Before I could finish my sentence Jim grabbed my chin forcefully and yanked me towards me forcefully. Every part of my body started to sting because of his brutal action.

"Shh.." I hissed in pain. I tried to yank myself free from him even though my body felt numb and immobilized, I hated being touched by him.

"You acted so high in front of me that night." He snickered at my face as he eyed every part of my face with a lechary look in his eyes. "Now I am sending you to a hell where you will rot everyday and wish for death but they won't let you." he rubbed his thumb on my lips roughly without any trace of affection. "Now you will always regret taking a bash on me that day." I spat on his face. He quickly let go of my face and stumbled back a little.

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now