6. lnaspettata🥀

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(Don't forget to hear the Song 👆😙🎶)

I dragged my heavy body which was tired because of three hectic cases that day. First case was very minor. A person accidently dropped a nail gun and staple a nail on his foot while repairing his greenhouse. The second case was a little serious. Some school girls were baking without adult supervenience and blew up the kitchen. And the third one....oh god! The third one! Some rebel teeagers got drunk and broke each other's noses.

I closed the door behind me and massaged my head tiredly as I walked to the living room.

"Hey, hi!" I looked up when I was greeted by the familiar cherry voice. "How was your day?" Eva gave me her sweetest smile.

Aarya, Eva and Chloe were sitting in the living room. Drinking and chatting leisurely.

"Hi guys." I smiled back at them. "It was busy as hell." I huffed.

"Care for a drink?" Aarya lifted up a beer bottle. I thought a little. Well, it was friday and I got a day off for the next two days.

"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders. "But first let me take a shower first." I smiled mischievously. "I stink of blood and medicine."

"Sure go ahead." Eva chirped out. "Don't take too much time."

"Gimme just five minutes." I rushed to my room.

After taking a quick shower I hastily put on baby blue three quarter shorts and a black tank top.

"..... that small?!" I heard Eva's disbelief voice when I reached the living room.

"Yup." Aarya said with a pop ad gulped down some beer from her bottle.

"What a waste!" Eva shook her head.

" I guess, you can't judge a book by its cover."

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked as I plopped beside Eva and took an open bottle.

"You won't believe." Eva turned to me a little excitedly. "Aarya hooked up with some hulk the other night who's dick was smaller than her middle finger! Can you believe it?!"

I choked on my drink. "*Cough* Cough* Really?!" I looked at Aarya.

"Yeah, man." Aarya shook her head. "A total turn down."

"Why did you even hook up with him?" Eva asked.

"You know he always eye-fucked me whenever I went close to him. So I thought why not?! I mean he got such a delicious body." She gulped down some of her beer again. "Who would even imagine their dreams that he has a totally mismatched package down there!"

"Well that is absolutely true." I nodded my head with agreement.

"I always check beforehand." Eva said proudly.

"Check beforehand!" I giggled in amusement. Alcohol slowly taking over my body system. "Like checking dresses in the changing rooms?"

"Exactly!" Eva slapped on the coffee table loudly. "Awww!" And immediately cried out in pain.

"How does it actually work?" Arya asked.

"I fondle while making out. If I like the size it's okay. If not I simply pretend to throw up and run away from there." Eva shrugged her shoulders.

"Kyaaaa!!" We all burst out laughing.

"But luckily I often got my preferable ones." Eva combed her hair using her fingers and made a top bun. "Esmé, I will take you with me next time. That club I went to is the best place for one night stands."

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