8. The Worst🥀

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"I knew it! I knew it!" Her eyes became blood shooted red with tears. "That's why you broke up with me the other night?! Because of her, right?" She screamed as some tears rolled down on her cheeks.

"Chloe, that's not...." Jake opened his mouth to explain but was cut off by her.

"Save it!" She said acidly and turned to me. "Is that how you took your revenge on me because I didn't chit chat with you?! Well then, congratulations! You fucking succeed!" She chewed out some poisonous words to me.

Before I could answer her back, Chloe turned her heels and stomped inside the building. The whole time I was listening to Chloe with utter shockness and opened my mouth.

"Are you alright?" Jake patted my shoulder lightly. I was brought back to the earth. I looked at him and blinked a few times.

"Umm...what the fuck just happened?" I asked Jake dumbfounded. "Sorry, I didn't catch what she said just now?"

"She is talking nonsense." Jake put on his helmet back. "Whatever happened between us, that has nothing to do with you."

"What happened between you two?" I was still confused as fuck. "Did you two fight?"

"Good night Esmé." Jake smirked at me and took off without answering my question. I stood there for a few more seconds scratching my hair and wrecking my brain to find an answer.

I slowly and cautiously stepped inside the apartment. Chloe looked like a wounded tigress. I was afraid she would bite me to death.

"Why are you sneaking in like a thief?"

"Eiyaeeeeii!!!!" I jumped up and stuck to the wall like a lizard, when someone suddenly whispered in my ears. My heart came up to my mouth. If my mouth wasn't closed, it would fly away.

"Why are you so jumpy today?" Eva asked me innocently.

"The Fuck!" I hissed at her. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Sorry." she smiled apologetically. I let go of a long breath. "So, what's the matter?" she asked curiously.

"Where's Chloe?" I asked as I swept my eyes around the living room.

"Dunno. Maybe in her room?" she answered as she also swept her eyes in the living room. "But what happened?"

"I have no idea." I huffed. "Today Jake dropped me off after work and she assumed on her own self that we are dating."

"You guys didn't tell her no?"

"She didn't give us any chance and stormed off from there after she finished talking." I rolled my eyes. "She kept screaming that Jake broke up with her because of me."

"Hmm." Eva pursed her lips. "This is bad. She is a little over possessive about Jake. You better be careful."

"That's exactly why I was sneaking in like a thief." I pouted my lips.

"I think you should clear up all the misunderstanding before it's too late."

"I don't think she will listen to me now." I rubbed my neck. "Let her anger subside a little."

"Good luck."

After that it had been two weeks but I couldn't have a chance to make any conversation with Chloe. Whenever she saw me she gave me the cold shoulder and left.

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now