24: Metanoia🥀

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Inside the car was so quiet that I think I could hear the explosion sound of atomic reactions between electrons and photons.

I slowly released my breath which I was holding from the beginning. Alex had a very calm yet stoic expression on his face. His eyes were fixed on the road from the moment the car started. He didn't spare a single glance at me.

And I didn't blame him for that.

I thought a lot about last night and realised that I made a big mistake. I shouldn't have confronted him last night like that. Not only Bella but Alex was also wounded because of that incident. Intentionally or unintentionally I opened up that wound both for Bella and...Alex.

I should apologise to him.

I mean even though it was his mistake to not inform me from the start about Bella's condition. And he acted really cold towards me last night. But me feeling down was nothing to compare the pain he was bearing for year after year.

So it was only right for me to say sorry first. I rubbed my hands on my knees and got myself ready to say sorry to him.

"I am sorry." I paused completely when Alex softly apologised first to me. "We should've let you know everything about Bella. If we did that then maybe we would have... avoided the accident." I cleared my throat a little to speak up.

"Well, it was not completely your fault or anything." Thank God, he started the conversation. Because I was so nervous and awkward to be the one to speak up first. "I mean, I was also at fault for doing something so reckless. I should've asked someone before taking the car and trying to go out with Bella without telling anyone." I glanced at him cautiously. "I forgot that you guys have lots of enemies. If not for Bella's condition, we could have been in a bigger mess." I took some deep breaths. "I am also at fault here. So,..." I bit my bottom lip. "I am sorry." Then I looked at him hopefully. "Can you please forgive me so we can look past our mistakes?"

"Okay," Alex finally looked at me with a small smile on his face. "And I really hope you also forgive me too."

"Sure." I smiled a little. "By the way," I turned my head to look at the empty back seats, "Is it safe for you to travel alone?" I looked back at Alex. "Weren't you attacked before?"

"We are not alone." ALex looked confused at me. "My men are also going with us."

"Your men?" I was more confused than him. "Where?"

"They are in those two cars in front of us." Alex used his one hand to point out in front of our car, while using the other one to keep the steering. I looked forward to see two black Cadillac Escalades. moving ahead of us while maintaining a safe distance. "And there are two more behind us." I turned my head behind to see two more cars were following us keeping the same safe distance.

There were four cars!

I was stunned for a few seconds then slowly turned my head towards Alex.

"How many people are in there?" I whispered as if the other people in that car would hear me.

"Each car has four people in them. So, in total...sixteen people." Alex squinted his eyes to calculate the number. My mouth gaped open a little. There were actually sixteen people guarding us!


Alex noticed my expression and chuckled a little.

"In today's world it's good to have some protection." He placed his one hand carelessly on the open window and hung it inside the car. "Especially in line with our work, we need some extra protection."

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