14. Damsel in Distress🥀

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(Feel the chapter with this song)

His one arm grabbed my waist tightly and the other one grabbed my hairs , while his mouth moved over mine with wild urgency like he'd be lost if he didn't taste it all. His tongue forced its way in, sweeping inside and coiling around mine.

Gradually my mind became hazed and I didn't have the strength or will to resist. Only the hum of my blood rushing in my ears and the racing thump of my heartbeat.

"This is the first time I am losing my mind like this." Alex released me, but I held on to him, stopping him from moving away, afraid my legs would collapse, as I panted and gasped for oxygen. "And the thing I am hating the most is that I can't stop myself from losing to you." The burning heat in his eyes as he said it sent warmth crawling up my head and caused every damn braincell to explode. "There is really something about you that makes me like this. Be honest! What did you do to me?"

My body shuddered. But I refused to surrender.

"Heh." I scoffed teasingly. "Are you sure it's me? Or maybe you are always easy like that." And blew a hot air on his lips.

The next moment I was being spun around and trapped against the wall beside the door, my chest and cheek firmly pressed against it, as Alex flattened his body against mine.

"You really have the nerve to tell that to the person, who kidnapped you and could easily kill you any moment," he whispered, his hot breath brushing my neck. "Since you can't understand the situation here, then let me give you a taste of this easy man," he said, cupping my ass.

I swallowed. Pressing my palms against the wall, I attempted to push him off of me but Alex grabbed my fists and locked them behind my back with one hand. The other quickly and expertly slid in from my knees, thighs, and then.... I gasped and yelled at him.

"Let me go!"

"Don't worry," he said, his tone was cool, merciless. "My easy methods always satisfy every woman in this world."

A sudden panic rose in my chest.

"I have no interest in your methods," I said in a commanding tone. "I have my own instinct to follow, just let me go."

"Like you said, I have my innate male instincts." Alex buried his nose in my hair, took a deep whiff, and let out a long and forbearing sigh. "And you happen to awaken in me the most obscene and vicious instincts. In the thirty years I've lived, only you could make me this hopeless and unrestrained."

A dreadful shudder crawled up my spine, sending a jiggly quiver through my head.

"Stop it! You're going too far!" I hissed as I struggled, but he was too heavy, too strong.

"I haven't started yet." Alex nipped my jaw, licked my earlobe then caught it between his teeth. "Don't you want to know how I please my woman?" He stopped his hand in between my thighs and gave a light rub on my sweet spot which was already sensitive, thanks to him.

I hit my forehead against the door, grinding my teeth, but nothing helped to suppress the urge to succumb to the pleasure.

Soon my thoughts became irrational, unable to care about anything except for Alex's slick finger, which made me curl my toes, slipped inside my panties and touched the sweet core of mine. I was blazing and covered in sweat from the heat that poured out from inside me. I was no longer wiggling my hips but rolling them. Achy. Needy. A mess, like he wanted.

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