5. Memorable First Day 🥀

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(Don't forget to hear the Song 👆😙🎶)

"Ah! Your dress!" That person finally noticed me and my messed up attire. "Ah! Your hair." He started to look round panickedly. "Tissue, tissue. I need some tissue papers."

"It's okay! It's okay!" I tried to calm him. "Really, it's okay." I laughed like a stupid. "It's not too at all."

"I am so sorry," That person looked at me with a pair of innocent eyes which looked like a five year old kid who got lost from his parents. "I actually just finished a twelve hours long meningioma surgery. Total removal. It was located so dangerously on the sphenoid bone, near the optic nerve. One single mistake would have affected the patient's eyesight as well as his hand movement. Well it is not too bad for a normal person but if the person is a doctor...."

I had no idea what he was talking about but he looked very happy to talk about that.

"Ah, sorry," He paused when he realized that I was staring at him with zero understanding. "I should do something about your dress instead of giving you details about my surgery."

"Oh believe me." I pinched my shirt and slowly pulled it off and made a small distance from the direct contact with my skin. "I am really enjoying it. Keep going."

"Sure, but let you have some tissue first at least." He smiled with a shy expression.

"That will be great."

"So, are you here to see someone?" That doctor asked me as we started to walk to a long corridor. "Patient or doctor?"

"No, actually it is my first day of work here." I looked around. "Can you please direct me the way to the emergency award register room."

"Oh yes," He pointed out his index finger in a particular direction. "Just walk straight and take the second right turn. The door with the blue border."

"Oh thank you so much." I smiled at him gratefully. "You are such a great help."

"But what about your dress?" He looked at me concerned.

"Oh, it's fine." I waved my hand. "I am sure they will provide me with some uniforms."

"Please let me pay for the dye cleaning cost." His eyes glinted with genuine guilt. "Really. I insist."

"Okay, fine." I finally gave up. "Thank you, umm....,"

"Oh sorry! How silly of me!" He dropped that styrofoam cup in the bin, wiped off his hand on his white robe and reached out to me. "I am steve. And you?"

"Esmé." I took his hand.

"It's really nice to meet you Esmé."

"The pleasures are all mine."

We stopped at the first right turn.

"Please come and find me if you need any help of mine." He pointed at a door. "That's my office."

"Thanks I will." I smiled and started to walk away. "Bye Steve. See you."

"See you."

A big contented smile added some extra brightness as I walked to the emergency office room. First day of my work and I already encountered a damn handsomely cute doctor. Oh, I felt like dancing.

It was very easy to find the office as well as the process. The person in charge was a middle aged lady with glasses. After finishing up all the paperwork she gave me a brand new ID and a yellow badge with my name written on it.

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