22. An Ugly Scar🥀

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I groaned when I tried to open my eyes but couldn't. My eyelids felt very heavy with unbearable pain. Especially the left one.

"Hnngh.." I moaned slowly as I tried to touch my eye with my hand. My hand also felt a little heavy as something seemed to be attached with my hand.

"È sveglia!" I could hear some faint voices. It sounded like Robert.

"Chiama il dottore! Affrettarsi!"

It was Alex's voice.

I used all my strength and opened one eye and opened half the other one. I couldn't open it fully no matter how hard I tried. It was numbed in pain. So I just looked around with my one eye.

I was in a hospital room. My surroundings were very silent. As if I was the only patient in that room.


I looked at my right side when I heard a stifle sound of moving and my eyes met with Alex's. He was standing at the corner of the room, staring at me intensely with a mixed expression of anger and worryness which were covered by a calmness on his face.

"Alex, I..." I tried to speak but got interrupted when Robert bursted open the door, along with two doctors and a few nurses.

"Eccola qui. Per favore, sbrigati e controllala." Robert looked worried and excited at the same time. Soon those doctors and nurses started to flock around me. They poked here and here on my body and started to ask lot's of questions. I saw that Alex slowly left the room.

"Signorina, mi sente?" The doctor asked me. I just blinked at him a few times.

"Doctor, she doesn't understand english." One of those nurses corrected him as she pointed at a particular area of the documents she was holding.

"Oh, right." The doctor raised his brows as he seemed to remember the fact. "Miss, can you hear me?"

"Yes." I answered.

The doctor lit a tiny torch and focused it on my eyes. I blinked hard because of that sudden action then opened my eyes slowly. The doctor placed his index finger in front of my eyes.

"Please follow my finger." He started to move his finger and I followed.

"Everything looks fine to me." After some checkups the doctor looked at Robert. "But we still need to wait for the C.T scan results."

"But you just check her. So, can we hope that the result will be okay?"

The doctor looked with slightly scrunched brows.

"Hmm, I think we can hope for the best." The doctor looked back at Robert. "We should always hope for the best." He smiled slightly. "And if everything is okay, you can take her home."

"Grande." Robert shook his head in satisfiction. The doctor and those nurses took their leave. Robert looked at me with a wide smile on his face.

"Don't worry, the report will be okay."

"Forget about it." I closed my eyes because of the pain and shook my head lightly. "Where's Bella? Is she alright? Please tell me she is alright!" I was very afraid and very ashamed to look into his eyes.

"Don't worry...she is alright." There was a little pause in his tone. I opened my eyes to look at him. "She just got some injury on her arms and legs." He was scratching the back side of his head

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now