10. The Bad🥀

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"The fuck you are saying." I propped up on my neck even though I was pinned down. My veins sure popped up on my neck. "Let me go. While I am asking you nicely." I looked at him coldly.

He chuckled slowly and shook his head a little. "Or what?"

I stared at him for a few more seconds then relaxed my muscles and lied under him hopelessly.

"Already?!" That person cocked his brows but didn't lose his grip on my hands. "I was expecting a little more fight. I am not that bad guy you see. I visited those types of auctions so many times but you are the first who caught my eyes so much. I was just about to...." he halted and looked down when I bent my knee a little and slowly started to rub right on his groin. "What are you doing?"

I smirked mischievously. "Fixing the aim." His brows arched with each other.

"Wha..." before he could finish his sentence I straightened my leg and bent it up again with the speed of lightning and smashed his dick.

"Uff!!" He immediately let go of my hand and covered his groin as his breath hitched with that perfect blow on a most vulnerable place. His body stiff and his head hung to his chest.

But I didn't waste any time and grabbed the neck of the bed lamp on the bed side table and hammered the silver lamp rod on his head with all my force..

His both hands dangled on the both sides of him and his body suddenly slumped down on me as he completely lost his consciousness.

I stopped my breathing and lied down there like a piece of stone. So did the person on the top of me.


I could hear the clock ticking in the same rhythm of my heartbeat. I hesitated a little then carefully poked my fingers on that person's broad shoulders.

"H..hey, can you hear me?" I released a relief sigh when I was sure that the person was completely out. I slowly and carefully removed that heavy bulk from the top of my body and let him fall down on the bed. I hastily got up from the bed and turned to the door


Suddenly a series of ear piercing loud sounds blust not so far from me. I tumbled down on the ground when the floor started to shake vigorously.


I quickly started to crawl and went under to take some cover. I peeked at that lying man and thought a little.

Should I take him under the bed too?


Another series of the same loud sound. I quickly ducked and covered my head with my hands.

Fuck it.

I am not going to put myself in danger for that bastard. I didn't think I would sin or something. That bastard deserved that.

But why was the earthquake happening right at that moment?! I could've escaped easily. But then I had to waste some time waiting.


Wait? Was that the sound of gunshots?! What was actually going on?! Nevermind, I would wait there no matter what.

I waited another fifteen minutes while listening to endless gunshots and exploding sounds outside of that room. When everything seemed a little calm I started to crawl out but then quickly crawled back again when the door opened and a few pairs of feet entered the room.

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now