2. Nightmares Or Memories?🥀

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(Don't forget to hear the Song 👆😙🎶)

"Are you okay, love? Can you hear me?" Someone gently covered a bottle green throw over me. My line of vision was kind of disorganised.

"Yes." I answered with a distant voice as I clutched the corner of that disinfect-scented blanket.

"Can you please tell me your name?"

"Esméralda...Esméralda Shenton." I answered between my clattering teeth.

"Esméralda, please follow my finger." That person lit a torch and waved his index finger in front of my eyes. My pupil followed it by reflex.

"Is there anywhere you hurt? Do you like me to check?"

"I...I...I..." I tried hard to stammer out the answer, but failed. I was still shaking terribly while trying to gather my whole messed up thoughts.

"Esmé!" I could suddenly hear my mom's voice, full of worry and concern. She strode towards me with long steps and wrapped her arms around me as she engulfed me in her chest.

"Is she alright?" My mom asked that person with a great overwrought in her voice. "Please, tell me she is alright."

"Please, don't worry mam," one of these paramedics, a chocolaty skin toned slim lady, in her late twenties, reassured mom. "We didn't find any injury and her vitals and reflexes are normal. She smiled at me tenderly. "Maybe some sugar intake and a long nice sleep will do."

"Thank you!" My mom sounded gratified. "Thank you so much!"

"Just doing mah job." She smiled gaily as she shrugged her shoulders casually and got herself busy with tidying up her medical kit.

"Excuse me Miss Shenton." A tall and stud looking police officer approached me with a wary tone. "Can you answer us a few questions?"

If it was some other time and some normal situation I would be over the cloud by that handsome looking police officer. I always had a thing for those uniformed policemen. I kind of fancied them. But right at that moment I wanted to run away from everything and lay down on my small, cramped bed. Doing nothing.

"This thing can wait." My mom hissed at that man. "Can't you see she is still traumatized?"

"I am fine." I intook a sharp breath and straightened up. "I can talk."

"That's good." The officer smiled at me warmly. "Your friend Elena already gave her statement." He took out a small black notepad from the back pocket of his dark blue uniform trousers. "Your friend kept mentioning about some 'Wattpad male lead'." he looked at me curiously. "Can you please tell us more about it?"

I blinked several times.

That girl was seriously insane!

After taking my statement the police officer let me go and politely requested me to report in case I remember anything else.

"You are going home with me!" Mom informed me with a commanding voice. "And I won't hear anything. Do you get me?"

"Fine." I was too exhausted to argue with her.

"Try not to think about anything. Alright." My mom told me as she glanced at me from the rear mirror. "Just close your eyes and try to relax. When we get home I will make you some delicious ham sandwich while you take a nice relaxing bath. How does that sound, eh?"

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