15. Moth to a flame🥀

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I froze on my spot for a few moments. I couldn't believe what he just said.

Did he really say that he was going to let me go?!

"You are going to release me?" I asked to make sure what he just said.

"Yes," He turned to the window again and took a big puff of his cigar. "I just need to make some arrangements. So, I would need three-four days."

I was going to be free! Finally! I should start dancing out of happiness. But why did I feel like my heart just dropped like a heavy stone? Suddenly I felt a little empty from inside. What was that feeling?

Was I disappointed that I had to go from there?!

From him?

No way! No!

I was not sad at all!

But I would really like to know why he changed his mind. He was so determined to keep me until he got his revenge on that Vincenzo guy.

Why did I have a feeling that last night's incident had a major role in his mind change?

"Why?" I cleared my throat. "I thought you would use me to get back on Vincenzo."

"About that, I gave it a little thought and decided to believe that you are telling us the truth. And also I got the information that Vincenzo really brought you from some auction a few days ago. So, I don't think Vincenzo will pay us back anything at all."

"So, you are saying I am completely worthless." I tried to smile. But failed.

He looked up and started into my eyes. He just bit his bottom lip as if he was suppressing his inner self. My eyes also searched into his.

He averted his eyes and looked outside of the window again.

"Now, if you can excuse me. I have some work to be done."

"Sure." I gulped hard to ease the lump feelings in my throat. "I won't disturb you anymore. I turned away and left. Without looking back.

When I came back to the dining table, Robert was gone. Bella was eating some dessert with a delightful expression on her face. I sat back on my seat while lost in some deep thoughts.

"...sme, Esme." I was brought back to reality when Bella called me out for a few times. "Try this out." She placed a small barley white pot in front of me. "Our chef, Giuseppe, makes the best Crème Brûlée in the world."

"Yeah," I tried to act cheerful. "Oh I love Crème Brûlée." I dipped my spoon in the pot, scooped up a big portion of it and put it in my mouth. The dessert instantly melted in my mouth. "Umm, delicious." I looked at Bella to find her looking at me disappointedly.

"That's not how you eat Crème Brûlée." She shook her head and took another pot. "Look, First you have to use the edge of your spoon to gently crack the hard sugar surface and scoop up some custard. Be sure to get both the brittle topping and the creamy custard in each bite."

"Oh come on," I laughed. "It's all about how you like you. Who cares how you eat."

"NO!" Bella scolded me strongly. "If you are going to eat Crème Brûlée, you have to eat it the right way." She handed me another pot. "Try again." She was in her strict teacher mode.

"Yes mam." I picked up another pot.


The next day I got called again to Alex's study room. That time Robert was also present there. They stopped talking when I entered the room. The way they were talking it seemed like Robert was confronting Alex for some reason.

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