18. An offer🥀

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I ripped the sellotape with my teeth and sealed the last remaining box.

"Done." Eva said as she finished taping the box she was packing. Eva and Arya also finished their boxes.

"Thank god, I didn't have many things," I said as I looked around. The room looked so empty without those few of my things.

"Do you really have to move out?" Eva asked with a little sad eyes. "You can look for a job while staying here."

"She is right." Arya said, "You can find something here while waiting for your old job. The rent here is cheap, You can pay by doing any part time job."

"Thanks guys for thinking about me." I smiled. "I also thought that." I sat on the empty bed frame. "It's actually my mom. She doesn't want me to stay here alone anymore." I started to pick at the headrest of that bed frame. "After everything happened, she was kinda scared of me being here alone." I laughed a little. "She even told me to search for jobs in our hometown. She doesn't even want me to work here anymore."

"Well, can't blame her." Arya leaned on the dressing table. "Because somehow I can understand her."

"I still can't believe that Chloe could do something like that." Eva pouted. "She looked so innocent."

"Maybe her inner devil took over her." I smiled.

"But what is going to happen with her stuff?"

"Probably her family members or someone else will come to take them."


"Not you again!" Richard made a helpless face, when he saw me. "What did you do with your last job?"

"I kinda lost it." I smiled at him sweetly.

"What do you mean by kind of?" He said sarcastically as he made an air quote.

"They will contact me as soon as there is an opening."

"Well...that's good." He raised his brows at me. "Then why are you here?"

"What do you mean, why am I here?" I looked at him in disbelief. "Of course I need something, while I am waiting."

"Hmm." Richard started to type on his computer. "There are few options." He looked. "But the money isn't too much."

"I am fine with something smaller, as long as it will pay me on a regular basis."

"You know the Aldi superstore at Highland road, near your house?" He lifted up his eyes from the computer screen to me."They are recruiting a few helpers and store assistants. Would you like to apply?"

"Sure." I nodded my head. "Their wages aren't too bad. I think I could hold up until I get my old job back."

"Excellent." Richard looked excited. "They posted the ad many days ago. And luckily there aren't many applicants. So I think you will get something here." He started to work on my resume. "Now, where is your old resume?"

"Don't tell me you deleted it?" I narrowed my eyes on him. He smiled at me sweetly.

"Why are you worrying about something old? I will make you a new one."

"Unbelievable." I huffed. "Now I need to refill everything for you."

"I mostly memorised the information from your old data."

The Cursed Butterfly- A Dark Mafia Romance🍷Where stories live. Discover now