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I had never thought I would escape this hell, but then he came, my shining idiot. He and his squad was on a mission on my world and he so happened to fall through the ceiling into my cage, scaring the living shit out of me.

"I am so sorry." He said as he stood up.

He looked around while I backed away from him. His eyes landed on me and he saw a chain around my neck.

"Let me get that off of you." He said as he pulled something out.

He roughly took the collar off and I let out a sigh.

"Thank you." I whispered as he smiled down at me.

"Let's get you out of here." He said as he offered me his hand.

I took his hand and he helped me up.

"I'm Fives." He said with a smile.

"(Y/n)." I said softly.

After the mission was finished we made our way to their ship and I watched my hell hole be destroyed.

"Hey dad meet the girl I saved!" Fives called to another man.

The guy froze and I heard the clone known as Echo burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Fives asked as the man walked up to us.

"You called Rex dad." Kix said as Echo and Jesse fell to the floor.

"What no I didn't I saw... hey man." He said with a blush.

"Fives do you see me as a father figure?" Rex asked with a smirk.

"No I don't! If anything I see you as a bother figure." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Fives that's no way to talk to your father." I said with a smile.

"Not you too." He said with a groan.

"Names Captain Rex, I'm Fives superior and older brother." He said as he held his hand out.

"(Y/n)." I said as I shook it.

"And in Commander Cody, Rex's older brother."

"You know I'm older then you right." Rex said angrily.

"Sure you are baby brother."

"I hate you." Rex said with a sigh.

"So anyways... can we keep her?" Fives asked as he put his arm around me.

Rex looked at me and then back to Fives.

"You get to explain it to the general." He said as he walked away.

"Guess that means you get to stay." Fives said with a smile.

A couple years later

"How could I lose it?" Rex asked with a groan.

"What? Your trust?" Jesse asked as he set on his bunk.

"Your sanity?" Echo asked calmly.

"Your will to live?" Hardcase asked with a frown.

"Or was it Fives' will to live?" I asked with a smile.

"No it was probably Kix's humor." Jesse said calmly.

"Kix has a humor?" Tup asked shocked.

"No I lost it when Fives and Echo joined." Kix explained.

"Wait did you lose you're hopes and dreams? Cause me and Fives found ours in Skywalker's room." Echo said calmly.

"Why where you in Skywalker's room?" I asked with a frown.

"Pulling a prank on him." Echo explained.

"I was talking about my visor, but we are having a family meeting after this mission." Rex said with a frown.

"If we are having a meeting can we talk about how Fives has yet to ask (Y/n) to marry him?" Kix asked with a frown.

"He hasn't asked you to marry him yet?" Rex asked shocked.

I shrugged my shoulders and he let out a groan.

"Yea I know and I mean we already got the fucking ring but he is to much of a bay to propose." Echo said calmly.

"He got a ring?" I asked shocked.

"Yep, it's beautiful." He said calmly.

"That asshole needs to hurry up! I've only been waiting for three years!"

"Haven't you known him for like four years?"

"Four and a half."

"Yea she has been waiting since she helped stop The devil." Jesse said calmly.

"Jesse, Skywalker has asked you to stop calling Sidius the devil." Rex said with a sigh.

"But he's not wrong." I said calmly.

"Sorry I'm late." Fives said as he walked into the room.

"Echo told (Y/n) you were going to propose!" Hardcase exclaimed.

"Snitch." Echo growled out.

"Thanks Echo. Now I can't do what I wanted to do." Fives said with a sigh.

"Rex lost his will to live!"

"Okay everyone out!" Rex ordered.

They all left and I stood up and walked up to Fives.

"I can pretend they didn't say anything."

"Gonna be honest I'm glad they did, I didn't have any clue on how to propose." He said as he brought a box out.

He opened it up and I saw a small silver ring with a blue diamond.

"It's beautiful." I said as he pulled it out.

"What do you say? Marry me?"

"I'd love to." I said as I allowed him to skip the ring on before pulling him into a kiss.

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