I let out a groan as I looked through my datapad for the coordinates.
"You have to be kidding me... damn it Poe, last time I let you give me a mission." I said as I the data pad down.
I looked through my maps and let out a sigh of relief upon realizing I was near the planet. I quickly made my way there and landed. Upon landing I saw Sidon Ithano's crew.
"(Y/n) Skywalker." Sidon said calmly.
"Sidon Ithano... I'm surprised to see that you're still alive." I said with a smirk.
He let out a chuckle and held his hand out. I shook it and he motioned for me to follow him.
"What brings you here?" He asked calmly.
"Well I am looking for a hacker.... you wouldn't know one."
"Sadly no." He said softly.
"Damn, well I hope Finn and the others have better luck." I said softly.
He nodded his head and I looked around. I froze as I saw a man with brown hair talking to someone.
"Whose that?"
"That's Kix... our medic." He said calmly.
"He's cute." I said with a smile.
"Kix!" Sidon called.
He turned his head and I sent Sidon a glare. He motioned for him to come over and I watched as Kix walked towards us.
"Kix, show (Y/n) around please. She is an old friend of mine." Sidon said with a smile.
"Sure thing." He said softly.
I followed Kix and he showed me around the base.
"So Kix is a strange name." I said softly.
"It's not my birth name, it's what my brother Jesse called me." He explained.
"I see. So you're a medic." I said softly.
"Since the clone wars."
I stopped and looked at him shocked. He let out a laugh and turned to look at me.
"I'm a clone. I was out in a pod and put to sleep for over 50 years." He explained.
"So.... you're a lot older then me I take it." I said with a laugh.
"Biologically." He said with a laugh.
I let out a laugh and smiled as I followed him through the base.
"So are you seeing anyone?" I asked softly.
"Not right now." He said calmly.
I nodded my head and we continued to walk.
"What about you?"
"What about me?" I asked as I looked at him.
"Are you seeing anyone?" He asked calmly.
"Oh, um no... I'm not." I said softly.
"Would you like to be?" He asked with a smirk.
I let out a laugh and he sent me a smile.
"That is the most over used pick up line I have ever heard." I said as I let out another laugh.
"Fives use to use it all the time... for some reason it always got the girl." He said with a laugh.
I sent him a smile and leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"Guess you'll have to try harder." I said as I turned and walked away.
He was still on my mind and I didn't know why. I knew very little about him and yet I felt like I knew everything.
"Still thinking about him?" A voice asked.
I let out a squeak and turned to see Han.
"Sorry Uncle Han, you scared me." I said with a laugh.
"That's alright... so whose the guy?"
"Guy? What guy?" I asked softly.
He sent me a look and I let out a sigh.
"His name is Kix and he is part of Sidon Ithano's crew... he's also a clone from the clone wars that was put in a stasis pod for over 50 years." I said quickly.
"Wow.... you got it bad."
"I don't know what to do, use to I would talk to Ben about boy problems, but.... he isn't here and I'm so confused." I said as I grabbed my hair.
"Go for it."
"Ask the guy out. He would be a idiot to day no." He said as he sent me a smile.
"Thanks Han." I said as I hugged him.
I went to leave but felt something pulling at my heart. I looked around and frowned as I felt a presence in my head.
"Ben." I said softly.
"Hello (y/n)." He said calmly.
"How's being a sith?"
"How's being a rebel?"
"Aunt Leia is like a warden.... be on time, don't do that.... kind of miss when I had my older cousin around."
"How is Han?"
"You did try to kill him, thanks to me you didn't succeed.... he misses you... we all do."
"What's wrong?" He asked as if he could see right through me.
"Cute guy, don't know how to ask him out.... he's been on my mind constantly since I met him and... I just can't stop thinking about him." I explained.
"Han just say to ask him out?"
I nodded my head and he let out a sigh.
"Talk to him, get to know him and then wait for him to ask you out.... play hard to get."
"You're the best." I said softly.
"Do they really miss me?"
"We all do.... even Rey misses you."
"Where are you guys again?"
"You already know." I said before I cut the connection off.
I made it to Sidon's base and sent him a smile.
"Kix is in there." He said as he pointed to building.
"Thanks." I said as I walked inside.
I saw Kix cleaning and leaned against the wall.
"If you're here to tell me to go look for her, then go away.... look I know she is cute... no drop dead gorgeous, but she wouldn't go for me and she probably had a bunch of stuff on her mind..... she wouldn't want a broken down clone... would she?" He asked with a sigh.
He turned to look at me and I sent him a smile.
"You're not Sidon." He said calmly.
"No, I'm not.... so who is this drop dead gorgeous girl? Should I be jealous?" I asked with a smile.
"I'm gonna just go jump off a bridge."
I grabbed his hand as he passed me and felt sparks light up. I met his eyes and for a second couldn't breath.... probably because he had pressed his lips against mine. I quickly kissed back and pulled him closer. Before I knew it he had picked me up and set me on his desk, not once breaking the kiss.
"Slow down Romeo." I said as I pulled away from his lips.
"Sorry, I shouldn't of-"
"I would like to actually have dinner before we move to the bedroom." I said with a smile.
"I would too." He said softly.
"Good, see you tonight." I said as I climbed off the desk.
"See you tonight." He said softly.