I kept my eyes on Kallus as he played with Hera's son and I couldn't take my eyes as he threw him up and caught him. I smiled as I heard Jace let out a squeal as Kallus threw him up.
"It is cute." Sabine said as she set beside me.
"Yea." I said softly.
"What are you thinking about?" Sabine asked with a laugh.
"She is thinking about having a baby." Hera said with a small smile.
"Yea... can you just imagine a baby Kallus running around?" I asked with a smile.
She let out a laugh and shook her head.
"Baby fever, got to love it." She said with a light laugh.
Sabine smiled softly as I looked back at Kallus. Kallus walked up to us and Hera took her son from him.
"I'm gonna go with Hera inside." Sabine said as she followed behind Hera.
I nodded my head and sent Kallus a smile.
"Why are you so happy?" He asked as he crouched down and pecked my lips.
"I was just thinking." I said softly.
"I want a baby."
His eyes went wide and he looked at me shocked.
"What?" He asked softly.
"I want a baby."
"Well that isn't what I expected to hear today." He said as he shook his head.
I bit my lip and realized what I had said.
"Um.. just forget I said anything. I just realized that you probably don't want kids and I shouldn't of-"
"No! No.. I want kids.. with you of course. I just didn't expect for you to want kids before I asked you into marry me. It changed a lot of my plans." He said with a laugh.
"What do you mean before you ask me to marry you?" I asked with a frown.
"Well I had this whole day planned out. I would take you flying and then take you to my home planet and then I'd take you to a lake and ask you to be my wife." He said with a chuckle.
My eyes went wide and he sent me a smile.
"But I guess I don't need any of that. So will you marry me?" He asked as he pulled a box out and got on one knee.
"I... Yes! Yes!" I yelled as I tackled him to the ground.
He let out a laugh and kissed me.
"And after the wedding we can talk about kids." He said against my lips.
"Or we can start now." I said with a innocent smile.
He quickly threw me over his shoulder and carried me away.