So far it was a normal day, the clones hadn't pulled a prank on anyone yet and I was impressed.
"I'm actually proud of you guys, not one prank today." I said as I sent them a smile.
"The day is still young." Fives said happily.
"Ya know, I think Dogma is actually proud of us. I bet he is looking up and smiling at us." Jesse said happily.
"Looking up?" Kix asked with a frown.
"Oh yea, Dogma is in hell for sure." Fives said calmly.
"I worry about you guys sometimes." I said softly.
I felt eyes on me and I looked at Fives and saw that he was staring at my boobs.
"Hey! My eyes are up here!" I snapped.
"I know." He said calmly.
"Um, (Y/n) do know that Fives stares at your chest all the time when your talking." Echo said with a frown.
"What? I could of sworn Fives always was listening to me." I said as I looked at Echo shocked.
"Oh sweetheart, I'm very good at multitasking." Fives said happily.
"You know what.... Dogma would be very disappointed in you.... he is probably looking up and causing you out."
"You guys do know Dogma isn't dead.... right?" Kix asked with a frown.
"He's dead to us." Fives said calmly.
"So how didn't you know he stared at your chest? Like everyone knew it." Echo said calmly.
"Even Skywalker."
"That's cause Skywalker stared to." Jesse said with a laugh.
"I... I can't with you people." I said as I shook my head.
"Or you could... what do you say, you me... dinner?"
I saw Rex come in through the hanger door and held back a smile.
"I say Rex would kill you if he knew you stared at my boobs." I said with a smirk.
"Cause they are dating." Kix said calmly.
"Seriously! Rex is tapping that before me!" Fives exclaimed.
I could feel the heat leave Rex's body as he glared at the back of Fives head. I saw the boys freeze up as Fives kept complaining.
"Fives.... shut up." Echo whispered.
"Why? I mean Rex is a lucky bastard! I can't believe he was able to...... he's right behind me isn't he?" Fives asked softly.
They all nodded their heads and I watched as he slowly turned around.
"Captain." He said softly.
"Laps.... all of you." He ordered.
I let out a laugh as the boys ran off. I shook my head and smiled up at Rex.
"You know you could of only had Fives ran." I said as Rex put an arm around me.
"Yea, well I know for a fact that Jesse stares at your ass all the time.... and so does Echo."
"What about Kix?"
"Kix! You don't have to run laps!" Rex yelled.
"Thank you." I said as I kissed his cheek.
I looked away from him and smiled as I waved to Fives. He flipped me off and continued to run. I turned to look back at Rex and saw that his eyes weren't were they should of been.
"Rex...... my eyes are up here." I said sternly.
"I know." He said with a smirk.
"Then why are you're eyes staring at my boobs?"
"Cause unlike them, I have rights to those." He said playfully.
"I'm leaving you for Cody." I said as I turned and walked away.
"Wait! I was joking! Baby come back!" Rex yelled as he chased after me.