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I let out a sigh as I waited for Obi-wan to arrive so we could watch the holiness together. After an hour it was nearing time for it to come on and I decided to go ahead and log in.

"Okay, well, since Obi-Wan isn't here himself, I'll just have to log onto the holonet as him and click "forgot password" and answer his security questions." I said as I set down.

I logged his code in and then hit forgot password. I waited for the first question to come up and froze when I saw it.

"What am I fighting for?" I read out loud.

I leaned back and thought for a second before typing in Anakin's name.


I typed in Satine's name and then Ahsoka's.

"Seriously!" I yelled as I threw my hands up.

I felt hands go around me and then saw my name get typed in.


I turned my head and saw Obi-wan standing behind me.

"I was only a few minutes late." He said with a smirk.

"More like ten." I said softly.

He sent me a smile and finished resetting his password. He then clicked on the holonet and set beside me.

"So... I am why you fight?" I asked softly.

"Of course you are. You are my best friend." He said softly.

I sent him a gentle smile and went back to watching the holonet.

"That and I'm in love with you, but you know it's mostly because you my best friend."

My eyes went wide and I turned to look at him shocked. I saw a small smile on his face and saw that his eyes hadn't left the holonet.

"Did you just-"

"Shh I want to see this." He said cutting me off.

Hour later

As soon as it was over Obi-wan stood up to leave, but I grabbed his hand and after logging him off dragged him to my room.

"May I ask why I am-"

I quickly cut him off by pressing my lips against his. He froze for a second before pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"I love you too." I whispered against his lips.

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