It was finally time to for me and the 501st to go on vacation and I couldn't wait. I had been wanting to get Jesse alone for weeks now and I was finally going to get a chance to.
"Ready to go guys?" I asked as I walked up to them.
"You know it's about time we got a break, I mean we did stop a Sith Lord." Fives said happily.
"And we saved Echo." Hardcase said with a laugh.
"That wasn't that important." Fives said calmly.
Echo smacked him over he head and I let out a laugh.
"Let's go, before Skywalker and Ahsoka leaves us." I said with a laugh.
It wasn't long before we arrived and I made it to my room.
"Coming through!" A voice yelled.
I let out a laugh and shook my head as Jesse came into the room, carrying all of our luggage.
"Baby, let me help you." I said as he stumbled inside.
"No, I got it." He said as he set it down.
He dropped them and I let out a laugh. I helped him pick them up and put them on the bed.
"Thanks." He said with a chuckle.
"You're welcome." I said as I kissed his cheek.
We soon made our way outside and I set beside Rex on the beach while the boys played in the water with Ahsoka and Skywalker.
"I thought he hated the sand?" I said calmly.
"He does, but he wants to spend time with Tano and us before he retires." He said softly.
"I'm happy for them."
"I am too." He said softly.
He turned to look at me and sent me a smile.
"And I'm happy for you and Jesse. I know it was a big step for you and him to come out with your relationship." He said softly.
"It was, but it was worth it." I said as I smiled softly.
We all soon went in and I finally got ready for my plan. I waited for Jesse to be asleep and then I grabbed the plunger I had brought and stuck it to his head. He jumped up and I took a picture before bursting out laughing.
"What?" He asked with a frown.
"Yo....ur... fa....ce!!!!!" I gasped out.
I fell to the ground in tears as he ran to the bathroom.
"Damn it (Y/n)! You better not have taken a picture!"
Fives and Echo burst out laughing as I showed them the picture.
"What's so funny?" Kix asked as he and Hardcase walked up to us.
I showed the picture and Kix covered his mouth while Hardcase fell to the ground in tears.
"(Y/n)! You better not of showed them that picture!" Jesse yelled from the balcony.
"RUN!" Fives yelled as we took off.
Bonus Bonus
I set beside Rex in the kitchen and flipped through my magazine.
"Hey Fives told me how you got a pic of Jesse with a plunger on his head." He said after awhile.
"Yea, wanna See it?" I asked softly.
"Actually could you send it to me... I need blackmail." He said calmly.
"Want a printed out copy?"
"(Y/n)! No!" Jesse yelled as he burst through the door.
We both looked at Jesse and then at each other.
"No just send me a copy, he can tear it if it's a printed out copy." Rex said calmly.
"Oh come on!" Jesse yelled with a groan.