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I let out a sigh as I set beside Ezra and waited for us to land.

"You okay?" Ezra asked softly.

"Yea, just.... have a bad feeling is all." I said softly.

He nodded his head and I leaned back. We soon landed and I climbed off the phantom to see three old men on a tank.

"It's just a bunch of old geezers." Zeb grumbled out.

"Well-armed old geezers." Sabine said calmly.

"What do you want?" One of them asked.

"We're looking for someone." Kanan said calmly.

"Well, that's too bad, 'cause there's nobody out here."

"Hey, uh, does the number 7567 mean anything to you?" Ezra asked calmly.

I turned my head and looked at him. I hadn't heard what the droid had said at first, but now that I heard that number.... I knew it and what the number meant.

"What did you just say?" The man asked calmly.

"I said 7567." Ezra said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I haven't heard those digits in... Well, that's my birth number."

"Birth number?" Ezra asked shocked.

"They're clones!" Kanan yelled as he brought out his saber.

"Kanan, wait. Stop!" I called as I stepped in front of him.

"Jedi. They've come for revenge." Another one called as he pulled his gun out.

"Drop the blaster, old man." Zeb ordered.

"Don't try it, boyo! I'll gun you down."

"Everyone calm down!" I snapped.

"Stand down, troopers. Now! That's an order, soldier."

"But he's a Jedi. A Jedi!"

"I know. I know. But they weren't the ones that betrayed us. Remember? Wolffe, remember?"

"Kanan, please... trust me." I said softly.

I met his eyes and he let out a sigh as he turned his saber off.

"Sorry about the, um, weapons malfunction. My friend here is just a little defensive. See, we haven't seen a Jedi since, uh. Well, it's been a while."

"Well, my name's Ezra. This is Kanan. That's Sabine and Zeb. It's nice to meet you, 7567." Ezra said with a small smile.

"Actually my name is Rex. Captain, 501st Clone Battalion. Meet Commanders Gregor and Wolffe." Rex said calmly.

"We were sent by Ahsoka Tano." Ezra explained.

"Ahsoka Tano. I fought by her side from the Battle of Christophsis to the siege of Mandalore. And a friend of hers is a friend of mine." Rex said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Wolffe asked as he looked at me.

"Oh sorry, this is-"

"(Y/n) (L/n)." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"(N/n)? Rex look it's-"

Gregor was cut off by Rex climbing down the ladder and walking up to me.

"Is that really you?" He asked softly.

"Hi, dad." I said as tears streamed down his face.

He roughly pulled me against his chest and hugged me tightly.

"I thought I lost you." He whispered as he hugged me tightly.

"I thought I lost you too." I said as I pulled away.

"Hey, Ezra... looks like you're getting to meet you're future father in law." Sabine said with a laugh.

Zeb let out a chuckle and Kanan shook his head.

"Future what?"

"Dad, this is Ezra... my boyfriend." I said as I held my breath.

He blinked a few times and then I heard a blaster go off. It hit near Ezra's feet and he let out a yelp.

"Oops, malfunction." Wolffe said with a smirk.

"My blaster might have a malfunction too, if anything happens to my little girl." Rex said as he glared down at Ezra.

"Understood." Ezra said as he nodded his head.

"Good, now come on inside." Rex said as he put an arm around me and led me inside.

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