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As soon as I saw the Clone Captain I knew I was screwed. I was a General and had my own Clone Commander, but he was nothing like Rex. To say I was jealous of my brother would be an understatement.

"Are you sure we can't switch?" I asked with a laugh as I walked beside Anakin.

"Sorry baby sis, but Rex is mine." He said with a smirk.

"Then I'm stealing Padmé."

"No that is not happening." He said with a laugh as we made it to bridge.

"Come on, just give him and your squad to me... and I give you mine. It's a fair trade." I said sweetly.

"No it isn't. Obi-Wan tell my idiot sister my squad is better."

"Anakin's lovely sister, your squad is better." Obi-wan said with a smile.

"Don't lie Obi, we both know that Anakin has the best Squad."

"Thank you ma'am." Rex said with a smile.

"You're welcome Rexter." I said with a smile.

"Hey no nicknaming my Captain!"

Obi-wan rolled his eyes and went to debriefing us.

"Anakin, I hate to do this, but Rex will be working with (Y/n) in this one."

"Master how could you?" Anakin asked shocked.

"Sorry Anakin but I need you with my squad." He said with a frown.

I let out a laugh and smiled as we all got ready to leave. We soon landed and I took Rex and his squad through the cave. The cave was unstable and we had to be careful where we stepped.

"General!" Rex yelled as he pushed me out of the way.

I let out a yelp as he tackled me to the ground, saving me from getting crushed by falling rocks. Rex stood up and helped me stand.

"You alright?!" Fives yelled from the other side.

"Yea! But we are trapped!" I yelled as I dusted myself off.

"We will find another way out!" Rex yelled.

"Guess we push forward." I said as I let out a sigh.

"I'll go first." He said as he walked ahead of me.

"No problem there." I said as I watched him.

We made it halfway and then I heard Rex let out a sigh.

"How much longer you going to stare at my ass?" He asked as he turned to look at me.

"I'm not-"

"Don't lie." He said with a frown.

"How much longer you gonna walk in front of me?"

He rolled his eyes and I smiled softly.

"You know if General Skywalker was here he would be furious that you where staring at me... he would think it was.. unjedi like." He said with a smirk.

"Maybe it is." I said as I traced shapes on his armor.

He let out a chuckle and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"He would most likely kill me for this, but.. well he isn't here." He said softly.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I let out a sigh and pulled him closer.

"(Y/n) come in."

I let out a groan and pulled away from him.

"Still alive idiot." I said softly.

"And Rex?"

"I'm still intact sir." Rex said with a chuckle.

"We heard you were trapped. Need help?"

"No sir, we are about to be out. Thanks anyways." Rex said as I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Let's go." I said softly.

"Way ahead of you, love." He said softly.

I shook my head and followed him out.

"And stop staring at my ass!" He snapped.

"Never in a million years sweetheart!" I called back to him.

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