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I hadn't expected to ever be in control of a fleet let alone one full of clones who had previously tried to kill me.

"General, we have just got word from the rebels, they need help." Cody said as he walked up to me.

"Then lets give them a hand, Commander." I said with a smile.

I felt something through the force and put my hand to my head.

"Caleb?" I asked in shock.

"Ma'am, we got word from Master Billaba. She and her Palawan need help." Commander Cody said as he walked up to me and my master.

"Then let's give them a hand." Obi-wan said with a chuckle.

I nodded my head and followed behind him. We rushed to Master Billaba and her padawan's last location and found them in a heated battle.

"(Y/n)! With me!" My master ordered.

I nodded my head and followed him down. It didn't take us long to take out the droids and then walk up to Billaba and her padawan.

"Master Kenobi, Padawan (L/n). Thank you for the support." She said with a bow of her head.

"Seems me and (Y/n) are always having to save both of you." Obi-wan said as he led her to our camp.

I sent Caleb a smile and he sent me a wink.

"Want to sneak away later?" He whispered as we walked a great deal behind our masters.

I nodded my head and we continued to follow them.


I turned my head and saw Cody watching me.

"It's nothing... just a headache." I said softly.

We came out of hyperdrive and saw the rebels fighting. I quickly yelled orders and got fighters out to help.

"Rebels! This is General (L/n)! We are here to help! Board us as soon as possible!" I ordered.

"We read you loud and clear, (Y/n)." A voice said.

"Ahsoka? Well I'll be... I never thought I'd hear your voice again." I said with a laugh.

"What you think Mandalore would be our last adventure?" She asked happily.

I shook my head and waited for them to dock. When they did I ordered us to leave.

"I need to have a talk with our friends, Cody with me." I said softly.

"It really Tano?"

I nodded my head and we continued to walk. We made it to the cockpit and my heart stopped as I saw a man talking to a kid and Ahsoka.

"Caleb?" I asked softly.

"I don't like it." Caleb said as I grabbed my robe.

"Master Kenobi wants me to leave to give Ahsoka some help... I won't be gone long." I said softly.

"What if we leave? Both of us?" He asked softly.

"We can't... we have a duty to the republic."

"The war is almost over! They don't need us anymore!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't... I love you."

"I love you too." He said as he looked away from me.

"I'll be back as soon as possible... be safe with Master Billaba." I said before I turned and walked away.

My eyes went wide as soon as he turned and looked at me.

"(Y/n)?" He asked as his eyes met mine.

A small smile appeared on my face and I held back a laugh.

"I told you I'd see you again." I said softly.

In an instant his arms were around me and he had pulled me into a kiss. I let out a sigh as I pulled him closer.

"I thought I'd lost you." He whispered against my lips.

"You should of known better." I said softly.

"I knew those two were together." A deep voice said.

I pulled away and smiled as I saw Captain Rex, a dear old friend of mine.

"I'll be damned... Rex you bastard! You're alive!" Cody yelled as he walked up to him and hugged him.

I let out a laugh as they pulled away and Cody hit his shoulder.

"Some things never change." I said as Caleb pulled me closer.

"Well my name actually changed, o go by Kanan now." Caleb said softly.

"I like it... it's a lot sexier then Caleb." I said with a smirk.

"Asshole." He said as he pulled me into another kiss.


"Wait Kanan has a girlfriend?" The boy asked shocked.

"First we've heard of her." The young girl said calmly.

"Yea! Hey why keep her a secret?" The Lasat asked as we pulled apart.

"I thought she was dead and didn't want to bring her up." Kanan said with a groan.

"Does this make her my adopted mother?" The kid asked calmly.

"Sure." I said with a smile.

"Yes! Finally I get a awesome mom!" The kid yelled as he walked to the ship.

"That was Ezra... my padawan." Kanan explained.

"Thought He was our kid." I said as I turned and walked away.

Kanan let out a sigh and shook his head as he followed behind me.

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