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As soon as I read the test my heart stopped and I couldn't breath. I moved my hand to my stomach and then threw the test away.

"You in there (Y/n)!" A voice yelled.

"Yea! I'll be out in a second!" I yelled as I flushed the toilet and then washed my hands.

I walked out and sent Ezra a smile. He rushed past me and I let out a sigh. I walked towards my room and saw that it was empty.

"Thank the force." I whispered as I shut the door.

I set down and looked up at the ceiling, with my thoughts running wild. I heard the door open and turned my head to see Rex.

"Crap I just remembered I have to go help Kanan." I said as I shot up and ran past him.

I couldn't talk to him yet, not when I was worried to death about how he would react to learning I was pregnant. We had never talked about having kids and I never asked him if he wanted kids.

"Kanan I need you to keep me as far away from Rex as possible." I said as I shut the door to his room.

"Lovers quarrel?"

"I'm pregnant and scared about how he will react." I said quickly.

"Oh." He said calmly.

"Yea, so keep him away from me." I said sternly.

"I'll have Ahsoka send him on a mission." He said softly.

"Thank you." I said as I turned and left his room.

Three months later Rex returned and I kept a long coat on, to hide my growing baby bump. I kept as far away from Rex as well, knowing he would try to hug me and I wouldn't be able to hide the bump.

"(Y/n)!" A voice yelled.

I froze and turned my head to see Rex. I went to rush off, but his hand grabbed mine.

"Okay did I do something wrong?" He asked as he kept me in place.

"No... I'm just very busy." I said as I looked away from him.

"(Y/n), please talk to me." He said softly.

I felt tears start to stream down my face and I gently undid my coat. Rex's eyes went wide and then I saw tears start to stream down his face. Before I could say anything he pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss.

"You're not mad?" I whispered against his lips.

"No, baby.. you just made me the happiest clone alive." He said as he hugged me tightly.

I let out a sob as I hugged him back.

"I love you." He whispered as he kept me against his chest.

"I love you too." I said softly.

He pulled away and placed his ear on my stomach. I let out a laugh as he turned his head and gently pressed kisses to my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you." He whispered against my stomach.

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