Obi wan

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Smut AU

The picture up top is him (thought I'd look one up 😂)

Professor and Student (of age)

I let out a sigh as I tapped on my desk and waited for class to be over.

"(L/n), I need you to stay after." A deep voice said.

I looked up and saw Professor Kenobi watching me. He had papers in his hand and a frown on his face.

"Yes sir." I said softly.

He nodded his head and went back to lecturing us.

I internally cursed my bad luck and prayed that I could sneak out before he caught me.

For the past few months of me being in Kenobi's class, I have found myself growing feelings for him. I had tried to stop myself, but couldn't.

There was something about him that pulled me to him.


"Alright make sure to have a great weekend everyone!" Kenobi said calmly.

I went to sneak out but he called my name, making me freeze in my place.

"Shut the door and lock it." He said sternly.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked as I shut and locked the door.

"No, but we need to talk." He said calmly.

I nodded my head and set down. He came around the table and leaned against it a few feet in front of me. He put his hands in his jacket pocket and let out a sigh.

"How long have you been in my class now?" He asked calmly.

"Four maybe five months." I said softly.

"Alright, I'm gonna just cut to the chase. I find you extremely attractive and have grown to have feelings for you. And I believe you have the same feelings for me." He said calmly.

"Professor, that is extremely inappropriate."

"But am I wrong?"

"Oh no, I want to jump you right now, but I know that Anakin has a key and could come in at any given time." I said calmly.

Just as I said that the door was thrown open and Anakin came in.

"Anakin, what have I told you about knocking?" Kenobi asked with a sigh.

"To knock. Hello (Y/n)." Anakin said happily.

"Hello Anakin, how is Professor Padme?" I asked with a smirk.

"Don't know, anyways! I came to steal you." He said as he looked at Kenobi.

"I'm afraid I have plans with (Y/n). She got the highest grade in her test and I owe her dinner. And no you are not coming with us."

"Fine." Anakin said with a sigh.

"Shall we go?" Kenobi asked with a small smile.

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