I was a mechanic in during the clone wars, having been hand picked for the 501st. It was a honor to work with them and along the way I became very close with the people. But I didn't just fix ships for the 501st, no I also was the Captain's haircutter.
"Why won't you let Jesse do this again?" I asked as I moved the razor lightly across his head, making sure I didn't cut it all off.
"Because he would shave me bald." He said with a chuckle.
"What about Kix?"
He sent me a look in the mirror and I smiled softly.
"Besides you know just how I like my hair." He said with a smile.
"I should I've had to give you a hair cut for two years." I said with a laugh.
He let out a chuckle and I finished up.
"There, you have your hair perfect now." I said as I looked at the buzzcut.
"Thank you." He said as he stood up and whipped the hair off.
"Want me to dye it?" I asked playfully.
"My hair is naturally blonde I'll have you know."
"Sure it is." I said with a laugh.
He rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Just so you know! I bet you would look good bald!" I yelled as he walked out.
He let out a laugh and I shook my head as I watched him leave, not knowing that today would be the last time I saw him.
Sixteen years later
I let out a groan as the cold air hit me. I hadn't expected the planet to be so cold, but then again it was probably just that I was still not use to being outside a ship.
"So who is this guy again?" I asked angrily.
"Don't know, but Ahsoka said he was an old friend of hers." Ezra explained.
"Of course he is. Better not be that Lux Guy." I growled out.
We made it to the republic tank, and saw three men come out.
"It's just a bunch of old geezers." Zeb said with a frown.
"Well-armed old geezers." I said calmly.
"What do you want?" The leader asked with a frown.
"We're looking for someone." Kanan said softly.
"Well, that's too bad, 'cause there's nobody out here."
"Hey, uh, does the number 7567 mean anything to you?" Ezra asked as he looked at the ground.
"What did you just say?"
"Uh, I said 7567."
"I haven't heard those digits in... Well, that's my birth number." He said shocked.
"Birth number?"
"They're clones!" Kanan yelled as he ignited his saber.,
"Kanan, wait. Stop!" Ezra yelled.
"Jedi. They've come for revenge." One said while he raised his blaster up.
"Drop the blaster, old man." Zeb ordered.
"Don't try it, boyo! I'll gun you down." The other one yelled.
"Stand down, troopers. Now! That's an order, soldier."
"But he's a Jedi. A Jedi!" Wolffe gasped out.
"I know. I know. But they weren't the ones that betrayed us. Remember? Wolffe, remember?"
"Kanan, Ahsoka said to trust them."
"Sorry about the, um, weapons malfunction. My friend here is just a little defensive. See, we haven't seen a Jedi since, uh. Well, it's been a while."
"Well, my name's Ezra. This is Kanan. That's Sabine and Zeb. It's nice to meet you, 7567."
"Actually my name is Rex. Captain, 501st Clone Battalion. Meet Commanders Gregor and Wolffe."
My eyes went wide as I looked at him shocked.
"We were sent by Ahsoka Tano." Ezra said softly.
"Ahsoka Tano. I fought by her side from the Battle of Christophsis to the siege of Mandalore. And a friend of hers is a friend of mine." Rex said with a smile.
We made it inside and I couldn't help but to glare at him.
"Got a problem with us?" Wolffe asked with a frown.
"After all those years of shaving your head you've finally gone bald." I said angrily.
"Hey, you always said I would look good bald." Rex said with a chuckle.
"And I was right." I said with a smile.
"Still the same I see."
"Wait you two know each other?" Ezra asked shocked.
"Yea, She was my personal hair cutter... the best of the best." Rex said as he sent me a smile.
"You know... when I pictured you bald... the beard wasn't there." I said as I walked up to him and gently touched his cheek.
"Want me to shave?"
"Oh no, the beard look to good... and besides you'd look to much like Gregor." I said with a laugh.
He shook his head and sent me a smile.
"Anyone else sensing some romance?" Satine asked with a laugh.
A blush spread on my face and I moved away from him.
"Hey Wolffe let's show them all around." Gregor said as he led everyone outside.
I quickly cut him off by pressing my lips against his. He let out a sigh and pulled me closer. His hands ran through my hair and he gently kissed me back.
"I love you." I whispered against his lips.
"I love you too." He said softly.