I don't know why but Obi-wan is my favorite Sith Au.
He could kill me and I would thank him 😂
When the words left Yoda's mouth my heart stopped. I had never thought he would turn. Obi-wan was one of our best Jedi and one of my closest friends.
"He is lost." Yoda said softly.
"No, I won't believe it... I can't." I said as I turned and walked away from him.
I found myself looking for him, and of course it didn't take me long to find him. He was in all black and his eyes were a yellowish red color.
"Obi... what have you done?" I asked as I met his eyes.
"What the order wanted... I killed Anakin... I saved the Jedi." He growled out.
"Oh Obi... I am so sorry." I said softly.
"For what? This is what you wanted.. for the war to be over... for us to leave the order." He growled out.
"Not like this."
"But my dear... this is the only way... the Order lied to us! To me! They said Anakin was the enemy! Said that he had turned but they had turned! They abandoned us!" He yelled.
"Please... come back to me." I whispered.
He touched my face and I felt tears stream down my cheeks.
"Join me... don't make me kill you." He said softly.
"I can't." I whispered through tears.
He slowly leaned down and gently pressed his lips against mine. I let out a gasp as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. He pulled away and turned his saber off. I met his eyes and saw that he was gone.
"Obi-wan." I whispered before everything went dark.