When they landed his friend was extremely injured and I was the only home near by. It was raining and I hadn't expected to open the door to two Jedi knights.
"Please, my friend is dying." He said as he held the other man.
"Inside now!" I ordered.
I got a cot ready and then left to find a medkit.
"What happen?" I asked as I got to work on stitching the young man up.
"Our ship crashed. I had to drag this idiot out of the wreckage." He said with a frown.
"I take it he means a lot to you." I said with a smile.
"I've known him since he was a boy." He said softly.
I nodded my head and bandaged his friend up.
"Now let me take a look at you." I said as I turned to look at him.
"I'm fine."
"The cut across your temple and chest says other wise. Follow me." I ordered.
I led him to an empty room and motioned for him to remove his shirt.
"But me a drink first." He said with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes and went to a cabinet and pulled out some alcohol and set it down beside him on the table.
"Touchy." He said as he removed his shirt.
"It isn't deep, should heal up in a few days." I said as I gently cleaned it.
"I should apologize, I just realized I have yet to introduce myself. I am General Obi-wan Kenobi. The idiot passed out is General Anakin Skywalker." He said calmly.
"(Y/n), I'm a farmer and occasionally a Jedi doctor... nice to meet you Obi-wan." I said with a smile.
He let out a chuckle and shook his head. I finished up and then we set and talked over a drink. Before I knew it, it was time for bed and I showed him to my sore room.
"Thank you for your hospitality, I am in your debt."
"Well buy me a drink some time and we will call it even." I said with a smile.
He nodded his head and then his eyes went to my lips. They looked back up into my eyes and I bit my lip.
I would be lying if I said I hadn't found myself falling for the older Jedi. He was handsome and kind, but to mention extremely respectful.
He leaned down and I slowly raised up to meet his lips. Before our lips could touch a book fell and we pulled apart.
"I should go to sleep... good night." He said calmly.
"Good night." I said softly.
The next morning he left with his friend and I was left alone, knowing that I had missed my shot.
Years later
The war was over and Palpatine had been stopped. Anakin ended up sending me word about it in one of his many letters, along with a picture of Obi-wan holding Leia and Luke, Anakin's children.
I had still yet to hear from Obi-wan, but I hadn't expected to see or hear from him again. He was a busy man and had a lot in his plate.
Knock knock!
I set my book down and let out a sigh.
"Who could that be at one o'clock in the morning?" I thought as I stood up.
Knock knock!
"Coming!" I yelled as I walked towards the door.
Obi-wan POV
It has been two years and three months since I had last seen her, and a pet of me felt missing. I hadn't realized it at the time but I had fell in love with the cocky farmer.
She was everything I had ever dreamed of and then some. In the short time I had known her she stole my breath away and I missed her.
"Anakin why are we going on this trip again?" I asked with a sigh.
"Because you need a break and I have a friend that wants to see you." He said with a smile.
Most likely it's Ahsoka and they are both going to get me arrested. Just what I need.
"Anakin I have to much to do to get arrested... so you best be on your best behavior." I said sternly.
"Master you hurt me, and besides it should be you who is on his best behavior." He said with a wink.
As soon as the planet came into vein my heart stopped.
"Anakin is this-"
"(Y/n)'s planet... yep."
"You both miss each other like crazy, I've been writing back and forth with her... and she loves you... and you love her." He said softly.
"Thank you."
We landed and he told me to comm him when I was ready to return. He then left leaving me alone outside her farm.
When I made it to the door I could see her through the window. She was reading a book and rocking back and forth, probably humming a stupid made up song.
I gently knocked and when I didn't hear anything I knocked again.
Your POV
I opened the door and felt my heart stop.
"I'm dreaming." I said softly.
A smile spread across his face and he let out a chuckle.
"I'm afraid not." He said as he held up a drink.
A smile spread across my face and I instantly tackled him. I pressed my lips against his and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He quickly kissed me back and ran his fingers through my hair pulling me closer to his warmth.