I let out a sigh as I watched my master climb up the wall.
"I'm surprised you're not going with him." Cody said with a chuckle.
"You know I'm afraid of heights." I said with a laugh.
"Hey, if you fell I'd catch you."
"I'll hold you to that Commander." I said with a wink.
"Hey, follow me for a second." He said softly.
I nodded my head and we went behind a ship. He quickly swept down and captured my lips in a kiss. I smiled against his lips and pulled him closer.
"I love you." He whispered against my lips.
"Love you more."
He sent me a smile and then I left to talk to a clone but stopped when I felt something. I heard the sound of a blaster cock and turned to see Cory aiming his blaster.
"Commander, is something wrong? Cody?" I asked as I looked at him shocked.
I turned to see if there was something behind me but saw nothing I looked back at Cody and in a flash felt a sharp pain in my chest.
"Co...dy?" I asked in shock.
My eyes went wide and I fell backwards falling off the cliff. I felt my body hit the ground and let out a gasp as pain shot through me. After awhile I forced myself to get up and crawled away from the battle field. It didn't take me long to find a city and get medical care.
"This just in the Jedi purge has been issued. The Jedi have attacked Chancellor Palpatine. Any who are cot harboring a Jedi will be killed."
I covered my mouth and quickly got off the planet. I didn't know where I would go, but I know I had to get away.
Fifteen years later
I let out a sigh as I followed Ezra to the academy.
"Just remember get in and get out." I said sternly.
"I will." He said with a nod of his head.
I watched him walk inside and I turned and walked towards the cruiser. I stopped when I felt a presence behind me. I quickly ignited my lightsaber and pinned him to the wall. As soon as I saw his face I felt anger course through me.
"It's really you." He said as he looked at me shocked.
"Surprised the fall didn't kill me, or that your blaster didn't?" I asked angrily.
"I... (y/n) I am so-"
"What do you want? Why are you following me?" I asked as I kept the saber to his neck.
"I thought I was dreaming.... I thought I killed you... and that you where a ghost haunting me."
"Maybe I am. Maybe you're actually dead."
"I'm sorry... I... I never would of hurt you. Sidious... he... he used a chip on us and I couldn't fight it... I tired... I tried but he won." He said through tears.
I lowered the lightsaber and watched as he fell to the ground.
"I'm so sorry."
"Cody..." I whispered as I crouched down.
"I loved you..... I still do, and I know this is probably a dream.... you're probably still dead... and I'll wake up and be in the horrible place.... but please.... I don't want to wake up."
I felt tears stream down my face and I gently cuffed his face.
"It's me.... Cody.... it's really me." I whispered as I looked down at him.
He looked me over and then before I could say or do anything he pulled me into a kiss. I let out a sigh and gently kissed him back.
"I thought you where dead." He whispered against my lips.
"I'm not.... I'm here."
He sent me a small smile and pulled me into another kiss.
"Uh... we interrupting something?" A voice asked.
We pulled apart and I let out a laugh as I saw Ezra and the cadet.
"No, let's go." I said as I stood up.
I offered my hand to Cody and he quickly took it.
"Let's go home." He said softly.
I nodded my head and we made our way to the ship. As soon as we arrived I saw Rex waiting outside.
"Rex?" Cody asked shocked.
"Hello brother." Rex said softly.
They instantly hugged and I put my arms around myself.
"Welcome home." Rex said after he pulled away.
Cody turned to look at me and sent me a smile before following Rex inside.