I heard knocking on my door and wuickly opened it to see a Togruta.
"Help me." She gasped out.
I quickly helped her inside and led her to one of my beds. I set her down and rushed to get medicine.
"What happen?" I asked as I cut her shirt open.
"Big... bug." She groaned out.
"This will sting."
She let out a gasp and I quickly got to work on bandaging her up.
"What's your name?" I asked as I finished up.
"Ahsoka... Ahsoka Tano." She said before she passed out.
I looked her over and frowned. I had never seen a togruta as cute as her before. I let out a sigh and left to get dressed for bed. The next morning I made breakfast and gently woke her up.
"I must of died and went to heaven." She said softly.
"And why is that?"
"Breakfast in bed and a beautiful woman... my dream come true."
I let out a laugh and shook my head. We set down and I learned she was a Jedi and forced to go on a solo mission.
"I've heard of the Jedi and their... rules of no attachments." I said softly.
"Yea, well if I've learned anything from my master... it's that as long as you don't get caught it doesn't matter." She said with a smile.
"Oh really? So you would break the rule?"
"If it was with someone as cute as you."
I let out another laugh and felt my cheeks heat up. For the next week I helped her heal, and soon it was time for her to leave.
"Thank you again." Ahsoka said softly.
"It was my pleasure."
"You know I meant that... right? I would break the rule for you." She said softly.
I bite my lip and looked at the ground.
"How much time do you have?" I asked softly.
She sent me a smile as I met her eyes. She shut the door and quickly pulled me into a kiss.