I let out a sigh as I followed Savage inside the cave. I had been hired by Mother Talzin to help in the retrieval of his brother Maul and I would be lying if I said that I didn't regret taking the job.
I have already almost been killed twice because of Savage.
"Are you sure he is here?" I asked with a frown.
"We are close." He said as he held his necklace up.
"Great, so is he like you? Super pissed off all the time?" I asked with a frown.
He sent me a look and I held my hands up in defense. We continued on until we made it to a fire and I saw a man or thing with spider legs. I kept back until it turned to look at me. It walked towards me and I tripped and fell on my ass.
"Who.... are you?" He asked as he looked me over.
"(Y/n)." I said softly.
"(Y/n).." He said softly.
He turned to look at Savage and walked over to him.
"Will she be with us?"
"Yes." Savage said calmly.
"Then I will go with you."
We made our way to Dathomir and I watched as Mother Talzin gave him legs. When his eyes next owned I saw that he was a lot calmer. He went to stand up but fell forward. I quickly caught him and allowed him to lean on my shoulder.
"Thank you." He said calmly.
I nodded my head and helped him back to the ship.
"Where too?" Savage asked as he looked down at Maul.
"We find Kenobi." Maul said angrily.
"You want Kenobi then kill some of his Jedi, he will surely come to stop you." I said softly.
"You are right."Maul said as he watched me.
"I normally am."
"Remember I pay you." Savage snapped.
"Enough, go to the Jedi and tell them that unless Kenobi comes and finds me.... I will kill every Jedi I see." Maul said sternly.
"How do you know they won't kill me?"
"They aren't foolish enough." He said calmly.
I did as he said and made my way way to the temple. When I arrived I saw a clone and walked up to him.
"I must speak to the Jedi council, I have information they might find.... interesting." I said softly.
He led me to the council and I stood in front of them.
"Maul has asked me to give you a message Master Kenobi... if you do not go to him he will kill every Jedi he can find." I said calmly.
"So he is alive." Kenobi said calmly.
"Yes, and he is angry... he won't stop until you suffer."
They takes for awhile before Yoda looked at me.
"Surprised I am Send you that he did." He said softly.
"Why? I'm just a pilot."
"Much more you are... your bond is strong. I can feel his feelings for you." Another Jedi said.
"I just met him."
"That still doesn't change how he feels for you." Kenobi said calmly.
I soon left and made my way back to Maul's side. A part of me thought about running, but there was something pulling me towards Maul, something I couldn't explained.
"You returned." Maul said as he watched me.
"You pay me good." I said as I walked up to him.
"Is that the only reason you returned?" He asked as he walked up to me.
He was a good two feet taller than me and I held my breath as I looked up at him. His eyes bore into mine and I had to stop myself from looking away.
"You feel it too." He whispered softly.
I nodded my head and he slowly leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. My hands went around his neck and I pulled him closer.
"Don't let go." He whispered against my lips.
"I won't." I said softly.