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When I felt the impact from the bomb, I knew I wasn't going to make it. We had been sent to take out a separatist base and stupid me ran in to tell the team that there was a bomb. They got out, but I had just made it to the exit when it went off sending me through the air.

The last thing I saw was Crosshair rushing towards me, and then everything went dark.

"Please wake up." A voice said softly.

"Shut up Wreaker, she is gonna he fine."

"But what if she-"

"I just talked to the doctor and they said she will make a full recovery."

"Thanks Tech."

"No problem, I knew that-"

"I'm not worried!"

"I didn't-"

"How bout you guys leave and let her rest!"

"Alright Crosshair, you stay and keep an eye on her."

"Didn't plan on leaving."

After what felt like years, I woke up to a hand holding mine. I slowly turned my head and saw Crosshair fast asleep with his head on the side of my bed and his hand in mine. I smiled softly and gently squeezed his hand to wake him.

At first he didn't realize what was happening and shook his head, but after a second his head shot up.

"(Y/n)! How do you feel? Are you okay? Do you need any-"

"I'm fine, Cross. Where am I?" I asked with a light laugh.

"Hospital, you've been out for a week... gave us a scare."

"How long have you been here?"

"Didn't leave your side." He said softly.

"You didn't have to stay, I would of been fine alone."

"I wouldn't of been, and Hunter wouldn't let me back on missions, until I knew you where okay."


"Cause I kept thinking about you, and kept worrying that you wouldn't..."

He stopped talking and looked away. I gently squeezed his hand and sent him a gentle smile.

"I'm not goin anywhere." I said softly.

He nodded his head and brought my hand to his lips.

"I love you." He whispered against my knuckles.

I looked at him shocked and he let out a sigh.

"I love you... and I have been in love with you since we first met." He said softly.

"I love you too." I said as I gently touched the side of his face.

I traced his tattoo and sent him a smile as I leaned up and kissed him. His lips slowly moved against mine and after awhile our lips fought for dominance, him winning of course.

"Hey has she- SWEET CHANCELLOR!" A voice yelled.

We pulled away and saw the team at the door.

"Knew it." Tech said as Wreaker made gagging sounds.

"Wreaker, Tech lets go and give these two lovebirds some privacy." Hunter said as he pushed them out the door.

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