New Years / Special Chapter

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On the road and just riding along all the others. Hongjoong was riding on his motorcycle around town. The drama all ended and Hongjoong could live happily once again. The boys decided to live together so they bought a huge mansion in LA.

Hongjoong got back home and parke his motorcycle in the garage. Hongjoong walked in and immediately got pulled into a kiss.

"Babe.. Yah.. Be.. Care.. Care-..!!"

Hongjoong couldn't finish his sentence as Seonghwa kept on kissing him. Seonghwa deepened the kiss tightening his arms around Hongjoong's neck. Hongjoong let the boy be and started kissing him back. After a few minutes of making out they took a break to breathe.

"I missed you! You took to long.."

Seonghwa said making Hongjoong giggle.

"You can't just run at me and plant kisses, your pregnant sweetie."

Hongjoong said ruffling Seonghwa's hair, Seonghwa pouted and crossed his arms.

"Then you can't be outside for more than 10 minutes."


Seonghwa kissed Hongjoong again and Hongjoong let the boy be.

"Let's get ready for the new year."

Hongjoong said and Seonghwa had a brightened look on. Seonghwa tried running but it failed so Hongjoong carried him bridal style. Hongjoong only shook his head and rolled his eyes at how cute Seonghwa was.

Hongjoong looked to his right seeing Yunho being all clingy towards Mingi. Hongjoong let them be and carried his husband upstairs.

"Hey Mingi.. Can we maybe.. Make out?"

"Why wouldn't we?"

Mingi giggled and helped Yunho sit on his lap. They started getting intense and getting to the point that they had to stop.

"I-i'm still not r-ready Mingi-ah..."

"It's okay, I'll keep waiting for you."

Mingi said sweetly and Yunho only cuddled in his embrace. Meanwhile San and Wooyoung were having s3x in the bathroom just like old times.

"S-San! Oh.. My.. God.. S.. San, I C-can't feel my l-legs!!"

"Sorry baby.. I'll help you."

San said laughing seeing Wooyoung like this. Wooyoung pouted and later on giggled with San. They got into the bathtub together and started relaxing.

"I love you Young-ah"

"I love you too Sannie~"

They snuggled into eachother, meanwhile Yeosang and Jongho were working on their new technology.

"Jongho-ah it won't work, I'm upset.."

"babe calm down it'll work eventually."

"But I've been working on it for 1 month already! It's pissing me off.."

Jongho laughed at Yeosang's attitude, Jongho found it cute. Yeosang looked up at Jongho with puppy eyes.

"Ahw babe don't cry, here give me a hug."

Jongho said giving Yeosang an entrance to his embrace. Jongho comforted the elder and they just sat their slow dancing. Until they heard a knock on the door seeing all their members there. Jongho rolled his eyes giving them the finger.

The members laughed at them and told them.

"Get your a$$es downstairs in 5 minutes!!"

They all left and Jongho looked at the time.

23:55 PM.

"Hey Yeosangie hyung it's nearly midnight lets go downstairs! You don't want to miss the fireworks."

Jongho put the elders glasses on the elder and smiled. Yeosang smiled back and grabbed onto Jongho's hand. They ran out the door and downstairs into the backyard.

All 8 were now together and better then ever. The moment was getting closer and closer. Alot of LED lights around the city and some fireworks already being lit.












Fireworks started to go off it was beautiful to watch. Hongjoong looked at the members being fascinated and back to Seonghwa. Hongjoong pulled Seonghwa's chin up and kissed him into the new year. Same goes for everyone else..

To be continued???

Happy new year errbody and it's already 2021 time flies by. I hope everybody does well and live happily with your loved ones! This is a special chapter designated to the new year so yeah and a tiny update onto how they are.

Thanks for the 4,26 K people who ahve read this book. I can't be more thankful for this, it's huge for me that I've gotten this far.



Bye bye

*go read my other stories as well!!*

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