Season 2 Chapter 6 : Last Night..

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Seonghwa went as fast to the bathroom, he smelled his scent. He got emotional at first but controlled it, he went back and sat next to Hongjoong.

Guys come downstairs it's movie night!!

Everybody ran downstairs as the movie just started. They we're watching 'how to train your dragon', the guys all looked at Seonghwa when they saw the title. Seonghwa looked at the guys shocked/irritated but laughed afterwards.

It was 4 movies in to the movie marathon, they were all sleeping except for Hongjoong. He did fell asleep at the 1st movie but woke up. He wanted to get some water, but something pulled him back.

Seonghwa mumbled something pretty cute, it sounded like a 'don't leave' sound. Hongjoong was thirsty so he carefully stood up. He succeeded getting water, but Seonghwa was slightly waking up. He is sensitive to sound so that's why.

H.. Hong.. Joong?

Go back to were sleeping softly.

It's not comfortable.. :}

Hongjoong sat back down and turned off the screen, he went and drank some water and later fell asleep. Seonghwa was enjoying this moment, the members were slightly awake and smiling.


Yeah right~

Uwu can't wait to see them back together..

Seonghwa turned to look at them, they all fell back to sleep as if nothing happened. Seonghwa then fell back into wonderland with the others crawling and sleeping ontop of eachother.

San Wooyoung Seonghwa Hongjoong


Yunho Yeosang Jongho

Just imagine that Mingi has his legs on the couch and his head on Yunho's lap. :))

Seonghwa woke up feeling a warm embrace, he was being backhugged by.. Hongjoong :3

Everyone was ontop of eachother, like Yunho was laying with his upperbody on Wooyoung lap and legs over Mingi's head. Jongho was laying ontop of Yeosang lap. Wooyoung was slightly hugging Hongjoong head, San was back hugging Wooyoung. Mingi was underneath 2 people, his head was nearly underneath the couch.

The first one to wake up was Seonghwa, he didn't realize a hand on his waist. He looked over and saw Hongjoong sleeping with his minion pillow. He felt so warm in his embrace, they lasted for about 1 more hour. They were waking up one by one, the last one te be awake was Mingi.

Yah Yeosang mosjhwuwe, i can't behrbejue.

Mingi's head was burried underneath the couch. Yeosang moved and helped Ming out.

Thanks.. Yunho why are your legs so heavy goddamn.

Yah don't body ashame me.

Quit it guys!

All the boys got into some active clothed, it has been a few weeks sinds they started being good friends again. Some boys were going to the arcade, and some were staying home.


Yeosang was being fed by Hongjoong, Jongho was cooking food for the boys who stayed home. But not long after Jongho was done with cooking, the others came back home.

I'm hungry~

With that Seonghwa went to the kitchen to see.. Yeosang hugging Hongjoong!
He got so jealous but nudged it off.

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