Season 4 Ep 4 : Yeah, Uhm..

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Back in the dance studio he is, sweating alot at midnight. Hongjoong is working his butt off for their competition soon. Hongjoong didn't want to take a pause or anything even though he knows that he needs it. The door swung open and there revealed a angry Seonghwa. 'Kim Hongjoong if you don't stop practicing now then I will.' Seonghwa said walking up to the smaller and handing him a towel.

Hongjoong sighed and giggled seeing the elder like this. 'Calm down Hwa it's only been like 5 hours-' '5 hours my ass Hongjoong, you came into school had only 3/4 periods and immediately went here after lunch!' Seonghwa scoffed at him. Hongjoong Scratching the back of his head while keeping it low. 'Okay well maybe I am overworking myself.' Hongjoong said while sitting down. Seonghwa sat eight beside him preparing the food he brought.

'Why are you even awake this late, you normally fall asleep at like 10.30 PM It's like 1 AM right now.' Hongjoong asked while opening up a container filled with rice. 'Well I kept on texting you the whole day but you never answered. It bothered me so I came here, the boys made bets whether you were going to text in the groupchat or not.' Seonghwa explained. Hongjoong only shook his head "yes" and ate the food. After eating and cleaning things up Hongjoong walked Seonghwa home.

'Please dont overwork yourself anymore Hongjoongie.' Seonghwa said turning around to see Hongjoong. 'I won't' Hongjoong said with a smile and waved a goodbye. Hongjoong walked off to his house and Seonghwa screamed 'TEXT ME WHEN YOU GET HOME!' Hongjoong giggled as Seonghwa's scream probably woke up the neighborhood. Hongjoong got home and texted Seonghwa immediately, he turned his phone off and took a quick shower.

Minutes later he stepped out of the bathroom in his bathrobe. He plopped onto the bed feeling his back ache from all the choreo he did. His neck was hurting alot as well, he stretched a bit before laying in his bed. He took the photo frame from his night stand and looked at the beautiful family photo. He wished they were here with him but they were in the other dimension.. Lost and forgotten.

'I'll find you both.. It's just a matter of time.' He whispered before a tear drop finally fell down his right cheek. He put the frame back down and wiped the tear off of his face. He looked out of the window and to the moon. He quietly sniffles his way to sleep.. The next morning was a 1 hour free period. He went to the grocery store and bought some ice cream. He looked beside him seeing visions of him and his parents. He smiled and giggled until they all vanished, he looked back out of the window and saw Yunho.

Yunho had a smile planted on his face as always. Yunho entered the store and hugged the smaller. 'Hey.. I know it's hard but we'll find our parents sooner than later. I mean it.' Yunho said comforting the elder. Hongjoong closed his eyes while tears were running down. The other 3 boys came into the store as well hugging the 2 even tighter. It lasted for a while wich was a great feeling. They bought their ice cream and left for school. Running and running they finally made it to the front of the school.

And they finally met up with the other 3. 'Hey there guys no ice cream for us-' Yeosang said but Mingi quickly gave one to each of them. Seonghwa saw how red eyed Hongjoong was. Seonghwa walked over to Hongjoong and patted his head but got his hand flunged off of his head. 'Hwa can you stay with me for a while.' those were the first words he said to Seonghwa today. 'U-uh yeah sure.' Seonghwa said and smiled wich Hongjoong responded back with a smile.

They all walked into the school with girls all fangirling to the new group. All 8 members casually walked their way through the crowd. Yeosang, Seonghwa and Wooyoung quickly got used to it so they know how to go with the flow. Hongjoong and San still looking fierce as always. They went to their classes and as time went by it already became lunch time. Hongjoong walked his way to the rooftop where they always have lunch. They were going to a fair today.

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