Season 4 Chapter 6 : A Night

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⚠ Sensitive scenes, blood, murders, aggression

Rain drops felt like heavy tears falling from god, Kim Hongjoong was rushing back home until.. He heard honking coming from his right and then it hit him... He just got into a car accident. Pieces of glass shattering, tires screeching, breaking property and losing blood. Why didn't Hongjoong move you may ask.. Let's rewind a few hours back.

Hongjoong was walking towards Seonghwa's house after a huge argument that he had with his mother. 'He'll make your life a living hell Hongjoong!' that was all Hongjoong kept on repeat in his head. He knocked on Seonghwa's door and after a while Seonghwa opened the door. But his eyes were cold towards the younger wich confused Hongjoong. "Hey Hwa, can we talk please" Hongjoong asked to wich Seonghwa let him in without any word.

"What do you want Hongjoong?" Seonghwa asked with a tone telling Hongjoong that he doesn't want to talk. Hongjoong took a deep breath "Look Seonghwa.. I don't know why you're acting this way and it's really annoying me. I just don't get what happened to us, what happened to you?" Hongjoong said to wich Seonghwa scoffed "Kim Hongjoong, you know exactly why I'm acting like this" Seonghwa said looking into Hongjoong's eyes.

"First of all you played with my feelings and second of all you're just a douche. I should've known that you were a jerk like all the other bad boys. I know you posted these on the school page!" Seonghwa screamed at him showing his diary logs. "Seonghwa I seriously didn't release them, I've always stayed at home!" Hongjoong screamed back, after so much arguing the doorbell rang. "I'm sorry but my boyfriend is here" Seonghwa said walking to the door "Boyfriend?" Hongjoong said while turning to the door.

The door opened revealing Jaehyun, Jaehyun grabbed Seonghwa by the waist and kissed him. They walked upstairs giggling to each other leaving Hongjoong in disbelief. Hongjoong immediately left and came across Wooyoung. "Wooyoung!" Hongjoong screamed out but Wooyoung immediately stood up and left. "Wooyoung please!-" before Hongjoong could catch up Wooyoung already stepped into the bus. Hongjoong sighed and immediately started texting Yunho.

Yunho only kept him on read so Hongjoong ran and ran to Yunho's house. Hongjoong kept on ringing the doorbell until an annoyed Yunho popped up "WHAT?!" Yunho screamed out of anger "Yunho why are you like this? Why is suddenly everyone against me, I don't understand!" Hongjoong pointed out as grey clouds took over the bright blue sky. "You wonder why I'm mad well if you may look on your god damn phone you'd understand. I can't believe you.. I thought I knew you but I guess not. Goodbye Hongjoong" Yunho said closing the door.

Hongjoong looked on his phone and so many notifications popped onto his screen. He opened his phone and saw the school page appear, all of his friends secrets appeared.. Seonghwa's diary log, Yunho's embarrassing thoughts and photo's.. A article of how much Wooyoung sucks, why Yeosang is a dumb angel. Mingi's deepest darkest secrets, how Jongho's private life is and San's dark past... They were all posted a week ago. Hongjoong's eyes widened and he immediately ran towards his house.

Once he ran through a road that's where he got hit by a car. In his own neighborhood with rain pouring down. Hongjoong stood up but fell against the wall with an immediate wave shock of pain. Hongjoong ran to the swamp next to his house but his house lights were out wich means that his parents are at work. He sighed and tpuched his wounds trying not to lose to much blood. But all of a sudden he got pulled up and punched in the face.

"Are you that stupid?" it was his uncle that came to their house to teach Hongjoong a lesson. "This is how you are huh?" his uncle striked another punch and pushed Hongjoong into the freezing cold water. Before he hit the water he threw his phone against his uncle. His uncle then immediately jumped into the water and pulled Hongjoong back to the service. "You little brat!" he choked Hongjoong but it didn't stop Hongjoong from talking "You.. Should be.. Happy.. Because.. Of.. You.. You.. Took.. Me.. To the f-future... It's all.. Y-your fault... You are the mafia.. I was.. Just.. A test... You'll be the.. One..." Hongjoong said while the uncle let him go "You killed your wife and children! If you kill me just know that the devil himself will come for you!" Hongjoong said. His uncle had enough and put Hongjoong's head underwater trying to drown him

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