Season 2 Chapter 2 : What..?!

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Everybody got these werid text messages.. Quite shocking tbh... There were naked photo's of.. Seonghwa and other members. It must've been taken by Jungyoon, or maybe not.. Who or what did it want?

Seonghwa was in tears by now.. Nobody knew who posted or sent it. There were already alot of comments on thosenpictures.. Hate comments to be clear.

Wooyoung couldn't stop tearing up as he saw a video of him and San.. Butt naked on the bed like lifeless people, the caption was even worse.

Caption said -
' what a pity this whore really went for him.. He doesn't even love him, that's why he left but know he returned. Bad decision Choi San.'

Everybody was tearing up, trying to find out who did this. As they were comforting Seonghwa was left alone.. But not for long.

Hey stop crying, we will find out who did this okay.

Hong.. Joong i.. Am.. To weak.. For this
*silently crying *

With that Hongjoong started circling his dumb on the elders back. Trying to calm everyone down, wich worked but they couldn't move on easily. They went back to the mansion and just got some rest, while the members were getting some rest Hongjoong was tryna find out who did it..

Joongie~ let's go sleep, it's way past 00.00. We will find out who did it, just please don't stress to much.

Fine.. Let's go.

But first go check up on the others, i already checked Mingi and Yunho.

Okay i will be back, go on.

Hongjoong walked to Yeosang and Jongho's room, he silently opened the door and looked. They seemed pretty comfortable, he closed the door carefully and walked to Wooyoung and San room. He saw that they were sleeping well and cozy. And then his last room to check was Seonghwa, he opened the door seeing Seonghwa nowhere to be seen. He looked closer and saw that he was on his balcony looking to the sky.

Knock knock*

Come in..

Everything alright? Why are you still awake? Can't sleep?

No.. I'm not okay.. And yes i couldn't sleep.

Just wait I'll make you something so you will sleep.

With that Hongjoong left Seonghwa there all alone in the cold breeze. Time past by and Seonghwa heard a knock again, he felt something warmth around him. Hongjoong gave him a blanket and hot chocolate.

You really didn't have to..

Come on let's go back inside.

Seonghwa followed behind and sat down on his bed. He took some sips from his hot choco, it tasted very delicious!

Once Seonghwa was done with drinking his hot choco, he was slowly fading into dreamland.

Goodnight Seonghwa

.. St.. Ay.. Please..

Seonghwa gripped his arm and pulled him next to him. They were now facing eachother, seonghwa opened his eyes full of tears. He slowly went forward closing the gap and nearly lips touching but..

I'm sorry but i have to go.

Seonghwa stayed silent and went to bed. Thinking about what just happened.

Hey what took you so long.

Seonghwa wasn't feeling well so i made him hot choco and stayed for a bit.

That's so sweet of you. Well join me. It's a movie night tonight!

Hongjoong only giggled and sat beside her, they were watching all sorts of movies until they fell asleep.

Next morning

It was 8.30. AM Hongjoong woke up and put Nayeon carefully on the bed. They were sitting on the ground while watching movies.

Hongjoong went to his office to work on what happened yesterday. He was on his computer while something popped up from his messages.

It was a mail about the posts from Jungyoon..

Mail from Kim Jung Yoon -

Dear Kim Hongjoong,

I know they are with you, and I'm here to tell you that I've changed. And i did make those photo's but i did not post them, i do know who posted it. Because we solved our problems we are normal friends now. So on to the main point, the person who did it was Ryujin cousin Lia. You remember her right? Well if you don't Seonghwa broke her heart i don't exactly know what happened but i will make this fully detailed. It all started back in their elementary school, Lia had a big secret wich she only told to him. But Seonghwa spilled her secret to the whole school, but she doesn't know that it was him totally. But she still blamed him for it, she was so heartbroken she would take her revenge. Wich she has now, please reply back when you read all of this.

Your dearest,

Kim Jung Yoon.

Hongjoong quickly replied and was finally done. But he still had to explain to the members who did it. He then heard a knock on his door, he knew exactly who it was.

Come in Naye... Oh Seonghwa.

Were you expecting h.. Her?

She always comes to me so yes.

Seonghwa pov
Stay strong. Don't make things wrong.

I wanted to apologize of what happened last night.

It's okay, i get it.

With that Seonghwa smiled back at him and got straight out of the room to his room.


Did something happen? Between you 2?

N.. No nothing.

Yeosang and Wooyoung were really disappointed in him.

Hyung, you should do...

We aren't ready yet.. Okay~

Yeosang and Wooyoung understood him, and his options. They both left his room so he could have some space. Seonghwa plopped onto the bed, he was looking at his pretty ceiling chandelier.

He closed his eyes to become relaxed, omce he calmed down he opened his eyes.

Seonghwa tummy was growling

I should probably eat something.

He went downstairs and the door rang out of nowhere. He opened it to see who it was and the unexpected happened.

Well well well, long time no see Park.

.. L.. L

Shh don't say my name, i am here for my good friend Hongjoongie~

Don't call him that!

Well you know one of my members is his cousin so let us in.

They were in a tight conflict and another unexpected thing happened.

To be continued

' gomawo'
Thank you

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