Season 4 Ep 5 : Eternal Sunshine

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Seonghwa was sleeping peacefully on Hongjoong's chest. They were on this big grass field filled with beautiful flowers. Hongjoong was admiring the bright blue sky. They skipped school and did this wich was probably their best idea for today. Seonghwa was slowly waking up and ruffled his hair. "Joongie? Are you awake?" Seonghwa askes in his husky voice "Yes I am, did you get some rest?" Hongjoong asked and Seonghwa's response was just giggling and cuddling even closer.

"I slept so well because you were in my dream." Seonghwa said while looking up at Hongjoong. Hongjoong hugged Seonghwa tighter wich Seonghwa appreciated. "Is something going on in that mind of yours Joongie? It seems that your stressing about something." Seonghwa said "It's protecting you.. I want you to be safe and in my arms." Hongjoong said and turned to Seonghwa. They looked at each other eye to eye, their eyes never left one another.

Seonghwa leaned his forehead and connected it with Hongjoong's. "You won't lose me and if you do.. Just remember that I love you, I love you more than anything, I love you Kim Hongjoong." Seonghwa confessed making Hongjoong flustered "I love you too Park Seonghwa" the 2 of them intertwined hands and cuddled up to each other again. It wasn't long until the others arrived.

It became a picnic with everyone in their friendgroup. It was peaceful as the winds blew through the trees. A beautiful sunny day in the fall times.. Seonghwa patted Hongjoong's head to calm the youngster down. Hongjoong kept on touching their friendgroup ring that each member kept on their Forefinger. The day went on very well but yet the darkness has filled South-Korea. Seonghwa slept over at Hongjoong same goes for Yunho and Mingi.

The 3 boys were already asleep besides Hongjoong. He sat there at his window seat looking up at the stars. He started writing lyrics and eventually made a melody. Once he saw a shooting star he wished for their group to be happy and well. Hongjoong doesn't want to lose his friend group. He for sure doesn't want to lose Seonghwa. It would break his whole world in pieces. Hongjoong finally went to bed and closed his eyes.

The next morning Hongjoong woke up 2nd. Mingi was awake because he needed to go to the bathroom. Hongjoong caressed Seonghwa's face and he slowly woke up. "Goodmorning to you mister Park" Hongjoong said to wich Seonghwa giggled and hid his face in Hongjoong's embrace. Hongjoong started patting the boy and now they were all up. Today is a normal day as always.. Hongjoong hopes.

Seonghwa was making circles on Hongjoong's back making him more relaxed. Yunho was playing a app game on his phone. While Mingi, San and Wooyoung were playing around. Then we have Yeosang and Jongho sleeping.. What a nice detention day. Hongjoong sighed but atleast he smiled at the thought of the boys. 'I really hope we will always end up together, as 8' Hongjoong thought 'Through the good and the bad' Hongjoong thought and smiled at the thought of 8.

It seemed cool so yeah.. He was not that stressed anymore. Hongjoong closed his eyes and rested on Seonghwa's shoulder leaving to sleeping land.

Short chapters incoming! I've started school again and I'm sorry for not updating. I wasn't feeling it most of the time, I'll try my best to upload sooner again. As I'm busy with my new story called My Gym teacher if you're interested check it out on my page!

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