Season 4 Ep 2 : After We Collided

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As they got to know each other more and more each second of the minute. They never got tired by one another and kept on going. Until they got interrupted by San..

'hyung we have to go back home.. Sorry Seonghwa hyung.' San explained. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa and smiled giving him the look of happiness. They were both happy that they met each other and getting to know more. As the 5 boys said their goodbye the other 3 were there just hanging. Seonghwa remembered that Hongjoong gave him a note..

Seonghwa quickly opened it and looked at the written numbers. He blushed even more while smiling as an idiot. 'Oo Park Seonghwa, already a chaser for our school's leader. You've gotta be careful for all these hungry tigers around here.' Yeosang said while tapping his hyung's shoulder. Seonghwa laughed at the comment and stood up ready to leave. 'Come on Woo, we've gotta go as well.' Seonghwa said and walked out, the trio went to their busstop safely.

Hongjoong and San were looking from afar. Hongjoong only smiled when he saw Seonghwa again. San sighed and just crossed his arms looking the other way. Hongjoong turned to the pouting boy.. 'Yah Sannie what's wrong?' Hongjoong asked. 'It's Wooyoung, how can I fucking love a human being when I'm an immortal.' San said. 'Well San it's not always about love, like you two can still flirt. Besides that being friends with each other is enough, I'm not trying to get Hwa back either.' Hongjoong explained.

'Okay I might've loved him in another dimension, I would never stop that feeling.. But sometimes there are limits.'

San only nodded and thought about it for a second. 'hyung.. How were me and Woo in that dimension?' San immediately asked but still looking down at the ground. 'Do you want the truth or do you want me to make it sound better.' Hongjoong said. 'Just.. Just tell me the truth really.' 'well you and him were very lust full and clingy, but your relationship was very messy.' Hongjoong explained. Hongjoong didn't hear anything from San wich meant letting San be for now.

Hongjoong gave San his favorite stuffed animal. A shiba inu called Shiber, San's last gift from his parents before they were taken. San immediately grabbed it and cuddled to it. 'I hate this world but I love you hyungie.' San said smiling and falling asleep. Hongjoong scoffed and smiled while saying to the driver to drive off. Hongjoong put his headphones in and drove off to sleepingland. Once the car stopped they were infront of this big house.'mr. Kim and mr. Choi we have arrived.' the driver said. Hongjoong woke up and looked outside, Yunho opened the door and took San. Mingi took his hyung inside and to their room.

'Hey Gi, did we arrive late?' 'nope not at all just 5 minutes after ours.' Mingi said while putting his hyung in bed. 'Get some rest hyung, you've been through alot.' 'You too Gi.' they both exchanged smiles and went to bed. Seonghwa on the other hand, he layed down on his bed and looked onto his roof. It was filled with photo's of him and others. In the middle was a photo of him and Hongjoong. The one they took earlier today in the dance room.

Seonghwa decided to text him and tell him goodnight. He closed his phone and put his glasses on the side. He slowly fell asleep to the moonlight with a nice breeze coming from his open window. The next morning was a very delight morning as the sun hit i
His eyes and woke him up. He took a pretty long bath and dressed himself. There he went down the stairs and into the kitchen. 'You look happy today Hwa.' 'Y-yeah I guess.' Seonghwa said while giggling alot.

Seonghwa was headed to Wooyoung and Yeosang's apartment complex. Seonghwa couldn't wait for monday to come along again. He wanted to see Hongjoong very badly. 'I wish I could see him now..' Seonghwa said while running to the complex building.

To be continued.

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