Epilogue : Was It All Fake?

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'I know I love you, Kim Hongjoong'

Memories kept on flashing by

'you look beautiful Nayeon.. Seonghwa lets break up.. YOU ONLY BREAK MY HEART.. Hyung hyung!.. We are so sorry Joong but you can't be with him..'

Blank space..

'Hey Joong hyung, Yo JOONG hyung! Wake up man were at school already!' Hongjoong slowly woke up and shook his head left and right. He looked at the person and it was San all dressed in his red uniform. 'Where am I? Seonghwa?' 'Hyung, you do remember you got into this simulator thing that that tells you somewhat the future.' San explained but Hongjoong only looked around seeing a bus filled with students.

'R-right.. It lasts for a while not gonna lie Sannie.' Hongjoong said while rubbing his head. 'Where are the others by the way?' Hongjoong asked with one eye open as he was still tired. 'Mingi and Yunho hyung will step in in about 2 stops from now, Jongho is sleeping right here.' Hongjoong looked up front and saw a peaceful sleeping Jongho.

'Oh yeah we have transfer students coming today, maybe you'll find a newbie to play with.' San said making his eyes turn green and biting his lip. 'Sit down San you might have to prepare if your so hungry.' Hongjoong said while giggling. 'Fine whatever hyung' and so San sat down beside Jongho. He was pouting and crossing his arms for 10 seconds. Hongjoong rolled his eyes and looked out the window. He met eyes with Yunho and Mingi..

Yunho began sprinting to the front of the line making people annoyed. But he gently said sorry to every one of them. 'He's awake!' Yunho said while sitting beside Hongjoong and then Mingi came along. 'Hyung~' Mingi said while pouting and punching his arm softly. 'I'm fine guys don't worry-' 'You better be, I'm not going to take care of your stupidness.' Yunho said while eye rolling and looking to the side. Hongjoong was confused but didn't ask him why.

Hongjoong pulled up his bag and got his headphones. Still the same worn out black headphones. Hongjoong wanted to put it on but some girls came by. 'Hey Jo-' 'he isn't interested girls.' Yunho quickly said. The girls got grumpy and immediately walked away. Hongjoong shook it off and looked out the window once again. Once the bus stopped Hongjoong immediately looked at the school building.

'sigh another day in this school.' Hongjoong said while grabbing his bag and leave the bus. Hongjoong walked beside a still sleepy Jongho and comforted the younger. 'You can rest on my shoulder once we get to the dancing studio okay.' Hongjoong said and the younger nodded with a smile happy to hear his hyung after awhile.

They walked through the hallway and of course Hongjoong was center. They walked as their populair kind does passing by everyone. Their pack was a spcial kind in the first place. Cool and nice with a spice of spicy specials. Hongjoong wasn't paying attention to anyone but leading the younger to the dance studio. The 5 entered the dancing studio and see their tutor for today. 'Jongho isn't in for today so keep him in the low.' Hongjoong told the tutor and sat Jongho down. 'Thanks hyung..' Jongho said before diving into his sleepingland.

On the other hand in the hallways there were these 3 boys lingering around at their lockers. One closed its locker and slipped right onto the ground. 'Kim Hongjoong..' The dude said while drooling and holding his books tight. 'Not this again Seonghwa hyung.' 'I-I'm sorry g-guys' Seonghwa said while doing his glasses and looking up at Yeosang. 'Wooyoung where are you going- nevermind' Yeosang said while rolling his eyes when he saw Wooyoung with San.

'You 2 have been in this school for 1 day and this is happens immediately. If I fainted ya'll would've reacted way differently.' yeosang said crossing his arms. 'were sorry Sangie.. It's just I'm lucky to be here, I won that lottery, I was the chosen one.. I just' Seonghwa stopped mid sentence remembering Hongjoong's face. 'You 2 are both gross ya'll know that right.' 'Sangie.. Don't you fall for someone as well or are you really that kind of an angel on this planet.' Seonghwa said.

'If your telling me that I'm annoying then say it to my face.' Yeosang said. 'you are not annoying! I just have a crush on him he makes me feel very heated inside..' Seonghwa said with shivers and butterflies in his stomach. 'You do know that your uncle and his parents are enemies right.' Yeosang said wich made Seonghwa's smile faint into a sad face. 'Your right...' 'I'm sorry Hwa hyung.' Yeosang quickly said as he saw how the elder reacted. They exchanged hugs and went to their classes. Seonghwa couldn't walk passed the dancing rooms but his class was right there.

He kept on wiggling right and left but still didn't have the courage. He would be flustered if Hongjoong saw him. Turning Seonghwa into a tomato for the rest of the day. He needed to come with a plan immediately. Well whilst Seonghwa was doing that Wooyoung was quite enjoying his hang outs with San. 'Your a special kind yknow that Wooyoung. I could eat you up so quickly you'd scream my name.-' 'Choi San your so called "girlfriend" keeps on disturbing our classes just loiking for you!'

San looked at the ground and said 'Shit.. I'm sorry Woo let's finish this another time-' before San could slip away Wooyoung gave him a little kiss on his cheek and winked. 'See you later Sannie hyung.' San was seen shocked and very mush satisfied. San walked out and spotted Wooyoung walking upstairs but San spotted another problem.. 'Sannie~!' the girl hugged him very tight. 'Veroni what are you doing here, you don't go to school here!' 'Yes I know I'm skipping today because I miss you.'

'Veroni we are not dating, I only pretended to be yours because you asked me were OVER.' San said and walked away to the dancing room but Veroni kept on clinging. San accidentally bumped into someone. 'I'm sorry, I didn't see yo-' 'How dare you bump into my Sannie!' Veroni screamed at him. 'I-I'm s-sorry.' 'What's your name boy?' 'S-Seonghwa, Park S-Seonghwa..' He said and San's eyes widened. 'Oh well nice to meet you Seonghwa WE have to go sorry.' San said and pushed Veroni into the dancing room.

Seonghwa jumped as he saw Hongjoong staring at him or at the door. "Shoot.." in his mind he thought. Atleast Seonghwa got to his class but like 15 minutes late. San walked in and closed the door Veroni of course clinging onto him. 'Veroni stop please-' 'San let the girl be and come here.' Yunho said. San came to the circle leaving Veroni just standing there. 'Hongjoong hyung.. I might've someone from the simulator thing.. You said that the thing all started at the lockers right.' San asked and said while Hongjoong nodded.

'I found Seonghwa.'

To be continued..

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