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Okay ya'll.. Hear me out, so I might rewrite this because- hunni this book is written so childish and it's just not very organized. Like okay it was my first ever story to be written and published- i never thought it would blow up to above 6k in nearly a year, like that's a whole achievement.

I'm growing up - _-

Just the realization and then I just read this book. It makes me dizzy and not even cringe but just not right. When I first published this I was so hyped seeing my first viewers, I was so proud.. Like I am proud it's just I think this story needs a touch up. So I have decided as my summer vacation is coming up that I will be rewriting 2 of my old published story.

1st story is obviously this one

I know that I have ever said that I couldn't update 2 books at a time, but I am going to take it slow this time- besides that the story plot will stay somewhat the same. So coming soon guys!! Thank you all for 6.8??K I really am gratefull and to all my commenters love ya'll :3


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