Late Valentine's Day Update

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"Hey ya'll it's nice being here again! Valentine's day was my birthday and I was kinda ruffling around if I wanted to make a Valentines day update. But guess what here we are! This will be a short chapter like the new years one." :))

Yunho was in his room enjoying the view on the balcony. He looked into the light blue sky. He heard tiny little footsteps coming closer. He turned around seeing that it was Seonghwa and Hongjoong's little girl.

"Goo goo ge ge."

"Hey there little princess hwangi!"

Yunho picked her up and showed her the view.

"It's pwetty isn't it."

He gave the girl a little nose rub, the tiny girl giggled at him. He heard the door open revealing a worried Seonghwa.

"omg I was so worried Hwangi! Thank god she was with you Yunho-ah"

"it's good hyung."

With that Yunho gave Seonghwa his baby girl back. Yunho looked at how they walked away so happily. Yunho really wanted a child as well.. But he was too shy.

Yunho sat in bed waiting for Mingi to come back home. Yunho looked at the time and saw that it was nearly 6 PM already. He sighed and looked onto his phone.

Then he heard moaning in the next room, he knew who those people were.


Yunho heard Jongho scream and Yunho only laughed. Jongho walked down the hallway with a bouquet for his boyfriend. He knocked on the door and walked in on his boyfriend in the bath tub. Yeosang looked at his boyfriend and stared at him in a seductive way.

"Got in the tub without me huh?"

Jongho said walking up to him, Jongho kneeled down kissing Yeosang on the lips. Jongho pinned Yeosang's chin upwards to look at him.

"I'll treat you right for tonight."

Jongho said smirking while Yeosang only bit his lip. Jongho undressed himself and got into the tub. After seconds they started making out having a pleasurable bath.

Back to Wooyoung and San..

"Sannie ugh.. My back hurts, atleast I gave you some desert."

"Hell yeah baby, I love you."

They cuddled up to each other skin to skin. Wooyoung looked at San and he looked back at Wooyoung.

"Sannie why do you look so nervous?"

"I-is it that obvious?"

Wooyoung nodded and San ruffled his hair and sat up. Wooyoung sat up as well putting on his robe. Wooyoung turned back around seeing a tiny velvet box.

"Jung Wooyoung, would you like to make me the happiest man ever and marry me?"

Wooyoung was shocked and tears soon started pouring down his face.

"Yes yes yes! Hundreds, billions of yes!!"

San put the ring over his soon to become husband and kissed Wooyoung. The sunset was right there as well so it was a beautiful moment.

Hongjoong came back home and took off his shirt as it was hot. He opened the door to his shared bedroom. He looked over to the shower seeing Seonghwa ready for him.

"Took you long enough daddy"

Hongjoong always drove insane when Seonghwa called him that. Hongjoong looked around for his baby girl until Seonghwa started talking.

"I took her to auntie Nayeon for tonight so don't worry."

Hongjoong scoffed and smirked taking out his lube. Hongjoong turned around and walked over to his husband.

"Want me that badly?"

Hongjoong said stepping into the shower and locking the glass door. Seonghwa smirked and got all excited. Seonghwa turned on the shower and kissed Hongjoong roughly on the lips. Hongjoong pinned Seonghwa against the glass.

Hongjoong turned Seonghwa around so Seonghwa's face was against the glass. Hongjoong put lube on Seonghwa's hole and put it inside of him. Seonghwa rolled his eyes in pleasure.. And that's where I stop that ya'll can imagine what will happen.

Back to Yunho

Yunho sighed and walked onto the balcony. Something caught his eye as he saw lights shine into the sky from under him. Yunho looked down seeing Mingi all dressed in a tuxedo with lots of presents. Yunho smiled and said..

"What is happening here?"

Yunho said while smiling.

"It's my valentine's day surprise for you my lovable boyfriend."

Yunho giggled and Mingi took action climbing the ladder to the balcony. Yunho leaned foreward to kiss his boyfriend on the lips.

"This beautiful bouquet is for you."

Yunho took the flowers and smelled them. He smiled and took Mingi's hand to help him up.

"They look so pretty."

"Yeah they do but your the most beautiful man I've ever seen."

That made Yunho blush and giggle, Mingi came close to his ear and whispered.

"I know you want me baby boy.."

Yunho gasped and felt his heart beat faster and faster each second. Yunho closed his eyes feeling Mingi's touch on his skin.

"I've been sensing it for a while that you've been wanting more of my love."


"Then come and get it, let go of those fears and be free with me. Yunho I love you and only you so why not."

With that Yunho couldn't hold it anymore and kissed Mingi roughly. Mingi kissed back and pushed Yunho onto the bed. They made out and grinded on each other for what felt like an eternity.

Mingi made his move and removed both of their pants and boxers. Yunho got shy but Mingi made him look at him.

"You look beautiful baby."

Mingi whispered and Yunho only arched his back when Mingi touched his hole.

"Fuck.. Mingi.."

Mingi rolled his fingers around the sensitive hole. It made Yunho drive insane..

"Mingi please.."

Yunho started begging for him..

"Please what?"

Mingi smirked while looking at a lust full Yunho.

"Please fuck me."

Yunho said desperately and Mingi took action putting some lube. Yunho arched his back feeling Mingi enter him..

And yes that's it again ya'll can imagine what's going to happen with Yunho and Mingi whatever. :))

After the sexual tensions..

Hongjoong, San, Mingi and Jongho all said to their boyfriends.

"Happy valentines day love."

𝒯𝒽ℯ ℯ𝓃𝒹

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT'S IT BRUV, thank you all for reading once again. Who knows I might come back ya'll."



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