Season 2 Chapter 8 : End To Beginning..?

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Hey guys, might let ya'll know that there might be a season 3. But it might be a short season 3 cause i don't have many ideas.. Yet. But until then this story has ended, stay tuned for a season 3 and read my other books. This story might be short because it's the final chapter and i probably will keep the idea for a season 3 who knows?

Seonghwa went with some of the boys to play along in the flower field. While the others were still busy eating, but they were admiring the others.

 While the others were still busy eating, but they were admiring the others

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Soooo, how do you feel?

What do you mean Wooyoung?

Oh come on hyung we all know that you remember.

Hongjoong knew what they were talking about, he sighed for a moment taking every moment in. The others knew if he kissed the one that he would remember, and the results are.. He remembers every moment.. Wich means that Seonghwa is the one. The members who were still with him are teasing him.

Okay fine.. Ya'll can stop teasing me now.

But it's fun seeing hyung shy. Giggles*

With that Jongho and Wooyoung started to climb on top of their leader and teasing him.

You guys are like 2 big baby's.

Yeah your baby's :))

Hongnoong giggles at the comment Jongho made. In the moment San joined the tower of people, and then..

Yah guys they are towering on top of eachother let's go!

They all ran towards the tower and started towering till the last person. They were all groaning in pain but also laughter. Hongjoong wasn't that happy, but he still was smiling and laughing. Seonghwa didn't stack up cause he wanted to take a picture. But of course San had to include Seonghwa sooo, he made the camera float and set a timer. Seonghwa stacked up on top of Yunho wich made it harder for the others.



They were all smiling and laughing some had their eyes closed. Hongjoong couldn't breathe so he pushed the tower down. He could finally breathe but the unexpected happened. Seonghwa fell on top of him, of course San had to tease them.

They were all tired so they decided to sleep under the tree at the lake.

It was a magical night it started snowing a little bit

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It was a magical night it started snowing a little bit. But Hongjoong was slowly waking up to see his members on him sleeping. Until he didn't see Seonghwa anywhere, he looked to his right and saw him on the fence looking to the lake. Hongjoong walked over to him, and sat down next to him.

Seonghwa wasn't surprised at all, he was waiting for him. But he wanted to see the members sleep, he was awake because he wanted to wander around.

Why are you awake so early you early bird.

I just wanted to wander around nothing special.

And then there was a silence but a tiny humming coming from Seonghwa. Hongjoong closed his eyes listening to him until he had an idea.

You sing lovely yknow..

Thanks.. I really appreciate that! Slightly blushing*

I have to tell you something..

Seonghwa became nervous because he saw the moon, he thought that he failed to bring hos memories back.

W.. What is it?

Then there was a silence again until Hongjoong spoke..

You really don't see it don't you.

See what?..

You know.. I remember you right.

He said while looking down and smiling.

Seonghwa was slightly in tears..

Y.. You do?

Yes i do.

With that Seonghwa hugged him tight, he wanted to know what he needed to wait for.

What is this secret Joongie?

Well you see.. The secret was if my real lover kissed me i would've had my memories back.

So i am your true lover?

Yes you are..

With that without no hesitation Hongjoong kissed him right on the lips. The other members were slightly awake, Yunho picked the camera up weakly as he still was sleepy. He took the picture and went back to sleep with the other members still cheering and slowly fading back to wonderland.

I love you.. Park Seonghwa

I love you too Hongjoongie..

With that they kissed again passionately and went to the members and woke them up. They were staying at a cabin nearby, so they brought them to the cabin and slept.

To be continued

Thank you all for reading this story i really appreciate the 570 people reads. Let me know if you want a season 3,if i see no signs or reaction then I'll think about it. Thank you all again this is just the end of the beginning. ;)

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